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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. get a vid up so we can hear how killer loud it sounds
  2. did an oil change on mine a month ago, bought 4L + 1L bttls of oil only used the big bttl and its showing the middle mark on the dip stick, i know it says 4.7L sump but mine used less cant figure it out why? Did you see what size filter they used? i have a jdm and i believe its smaller.
  3. Did a track day 2years ago, drove 5 cars and put the ST in the middle cos it was kinda fun to drive and sounds not bad 1. 360 spider, 2. Evo 8, 3. Focus ST, 4. WRX Sti, 5. Carrera 4
  4. 2months and 6cars before i saw the ONE, then went to view it twice before i bought it (80mile round trip each time) Just had to make sure it was a good un as ive bought a duff car in the past now im a bit anal retentative!
  5. my car is a 2006 import but i only pay tax for the year it was made i.e.2003 the rules have changed as so many people complained i belive, so tax is same as uk spec. I tryed an auto before i bought a manual, seemed just as quick but not as fun to drive , insurance is £50 more due to it being an import (altho i seem to have rather cheap insurance compaired with some ppl's ) Looks wise i dont think an evo or subaru etc come close but for all out speed your better off with one of them(if you can handle the 3000mile service intervals for an evo!) Just did a P1 service i.e. change oil and filter £30 and check everything else is ok.
  6. Well it has to be done as the jdm exhaust does not let you hear or appriciate that lovely V6 and since it was my design to put in the x-pipe I do feel this is a true custom system.
  7. I am tempted to try again tho, and sand it completely down and then do one coat to see if it can be done to keep it lighter lookin.
  8. looks like you did a good job pitty mine didnt turn out well It says you must sand down the paint for the laq to attach to it but i think that made it darker along with the laquar, just the wrong colour
  9. Agreed, airodynamically it would be kack! you would have to modify the underside of it. better off sell it and buy a proper one.
  10. im 24, 5years ncb £580 elephant fully comp with mods.
  11. 'Well i told you so' is probably what you are all thinking and yes spray painting with halfords paint on that kind of area is never going to work, after numerous attempts i decided to use the laqure to see if there would be much colour change, No is the answer, they paint im using might aswell be black when wanting white, totally different, and needs a pro paint shop to mix and blend in paint using airbrushes not a shi'y airisol paint can. Will post the pic up later to give you all a good at least the laqure matches have to wait 2weeks? before i blend in the laq line(thats what it says on the tin). Well at least it stops the car rusting until i save some cash for it to get properly done. In the back of my mind im wondering, if i should wait till i get my bodykit before my respray or if I should change colour completely as ive always wanted a black car. Anyway thanks all for puting up with my deluded thoughts for the past week or two, should have just listened, atleast i learned somthing.......I sux at painting lol
  12. Cant say ive ever seen a lambo door (altho i do live in a village in scotland, best we see is a john deere 9030 with activeseat enrty!) So go for it!
  13. LED's can completely turn off giving the best black's (lots of little tiny bulbs in laymans terms) High end Plasma's (like panasonic) last longer than LCD's 15years+ LCD use less energy than plasma's LED is the way to go but is very expenicive at the moment and with 3D coming into main stream mabe hold off for a bit and wait for prices to drop for other tv's.
  14. it was a dark grey primer underneath, so used a grey primer, unfortunatly i used masking tape but bought a good cutting/blending compound which was very good, but wasnt 100% satisfyed so have sanded it down again and resprayed after each spray i reduced the masking area so it would have less of a line and paint build up to help blend it in. will take a photo 2moz after i blend again and before i use laq. But thanks for the tip about the hole cut card will be trying this for the laq spray.
  15. yeh if you turn them they drop out, but there may be a screw at the top under a cap?
  16. my car only came with one but lucky for me the ppl on here are so nice someone had a spare semi broken one, which they kindly gave me so had to glue some plastic onto the bottom so it would stay in place, now i dare not touch it lol.
  17. Hello! glad you were in a 350z as there is quite a bit of metal between you and idiots on the road, also airbags help
  18. I sometimes have to push the boot opener twice as it does not always totaly unlock(pop) i think its the rubber springs that are the problem not the struts. Mabe add a wee bit more plastic to the end of one, may help but wouldnt know how to do it and make it look standard.
  19. yeh you have to get them to come out to you car with testers or it will be way off, got the new paint and it looks good, just waiting for the rain to stop before i start blending it in, wont know how good a colour match till i start doing the laquar.
  20. too much trouble to get the axe out and go on a killing spree/hack off the rear quarter panel, guess i will just have to get high off the paint fumes and laugh.
  21. Think ive got every grit out there 400-1500 lol, still got one proper try left, geting the correct paint hopefully 2moz nite so will keep you all updated (laughing) for the next few days, then may post another thread asking for local paint shops
  22. didnt they make some with honda engines? If so a b16 rover cant be all that bad
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