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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. My stubby has pants radio reception but thats what a V6 and CD player are for , stubby is for show.
  2. Hi just wanted to gauge your judgments, im thinking about geting a j wolf pop charger as the induction kit on the car (came with it) looks rather small and the piping is kinda poor. how much smaller is it compaird with the jw pop charger? Thanks
  3. Can you pm me a price for front pads and discs too plz
  4. Just changed my oil took 4.4L and its at the middle of the two marks
  5. 1993 Mazda 323 1.6 1994 Honda Prelude 2.2Vtec 2003 Nissan 350z JDM (dream car will never sell. ) 2003 Toyota Celica 1.8 (My sisters but shes away so its my daily hehe) Think I hav a Jap fetish lol.
  6. That is by far the best looking bumper ive seen
  7. Turn off all things which use elec, i.e heated seats fan, rear defoger, lights, if not its probs just ur battery. Gd luck!
  8. The diameter of the pop charger as the one I have is small and probably a universal item aka cheapo one! Just wondered how much bigger the JWT pop charger is?
  9. evilscorp

    Jwt popcharger

    May hav a biding war lol
  10. How long did they hav ur car 4? wouldnt mind mine geting done but same as you its quite a distance to go.
  11. Had a prelude 2.2vtec 200bhp maxed out at 145mph, thats with spare wheel,boot lining etc removed mabe with 6gears and a hill the pug could get 150mph hehe.
  12. Im tempted as my car cam fitted with a home made induction kit with no sheild and I think its too small what size is the JWT?
  13. The three centre consol dials are held on with a clip at the top so try pushing down near the windscreen if not there are 4 screws behind the ac controls use a screwdriver to pop the silver shifter surround off to get at the bottom 2 then remove the sat nav controls with a screwdriver or some thin metal under the front to pop them off to reveal the other two screws. If that doesnt work, hit it with a hammer Welcome.
  14. evilscorp


    Fortunately it was spade connectors the previous owner used on mine but think ive found a subwoofer cable that goes down the passenger side of the car, but doesnt come out at the head unit guess that side of the interior will be coming out too at sum point. twisting wires and celotape sounds like a fireball waiting to happen lol.
  15. Dont think ive been before? Saw a sunset on way to work on the ek bypass at 1.20pm?
  16. Good shout! I got mine from ZMANALEX 2day only ordered it on Sat! Still waiting on my torque wrench and a new rocker so will be fitting them myself 2. Best of luck 2us lol, there is a detailed instruction book wi pics provided so it should be easyish lol
  17. A guy at my work, brother was a witness to this, he said there looked to be a problem with the heli but if you dont have a licence you probably could have a problem very easy due to lack of experience. What a sad day for motorsport and their familys.
  18. Where did you get these? They are nice, noticed my brakes are a bit worn and could do with some new ones, how much we talking for the set you bought? (if you dont mind me asking )
  19. per tyre, seen falken 245/35 r19 (i think) for £160 but dont fancy shelling out more than £200 a tyre if I can
  20. was thinking about the future and when pricing tyres i struggled to find ones bigger than 245 so think it will be a set of 245 with 19rims to keep costs down just add sum spacers unless people know where to buy falkens for larger wheels still under the £200 limit im willing to pay.
  21. They are nice, PM me a price, bit skint as im having to replace my cam cover and just bought a MD plenum but may as well see if next months wage can cope with a hit lol
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