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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. ok but where do they come out? is it easy access? i.e. passanger footwell or is it a dash out job have had the centre console out before so not too worried, just havent had the battery out so didnt see that gromet thanks.
  2. Hi guys im trying to mount a front camera to under the bumper, but dont know(cant see) any places where cables go from engine bay to the cabin? and vice versa had a look under the carpets but cant see any rubber grommits or cables? can anyone help? got plenty of cable just need to find a hole!
  3. Thank God petrol prices wont rise! as of 6pm they will fall by 1p in duty and there will be a fuel regulator woo!so no chance of 150p a litre, my 350z is safe and no need to buy that preus!
  4. Honda have never had a Vtec engine sent back they are built that well, Had a prelude Vtec with 105k and still felt like it had every pony loved the noise of the vtec kicking in and the way you have to rev them but mine did use a bit of oil now and again due to the high milage probably. Spoke to a DC5 owner at the pumps who said he gets good mpg(no figure tho) did think about geting one but rwd V6 swung my vote If you get one you wont be dissapointed it felt like my honda was faster than the Z but thats just the way it delivers its power,nothing low down but once you drop the gears(you need to!) it flys! EP3 type Rs are also nice handling cars but you dont hear the Vtec kick in as loud.
  5. If no one else is interested I will take it off you for £80? money sent via bank transfer next day or pay pal?
  6. Just bought Autoglym aqua but my Z is in bits in my garage so not for washing, so tryd it on my sisters car (my daily driver till she is bk) and I was shocked how well her silver celica came up but now I can see all the scratches and there are alot more obvious! but thats only if your up close . Cant wait to use it on the Z just hope it doesnt have as many scratches lol.
  7. Yeah thought that, since mine is a jdm car, does it not respond better with mods even without the remap? Not expecting much but the one I have the now is probably hampering the performance quite a bit.
  8. Im going to have this problem soon not sure if I would be covered with air filter and exhaust/manifold as its a manifold upgrade ish so may try telling them that?
  9. Ive got a homemade (from the looks of it!) induction kit on the car from the previous owner, it looks pants and has sum rust on the filter cone edge surround, so Im geting rid! what would give me better performance a jwt pop charger or a standard airbox(2003) with a cosworth pannel filter? my bumper has a air intake cutout so dont expect high temps to be an issue? (would only keep this set up for a year or two while I get money for S/C conversion)
  10. lol ok i wont but what do you do about the coolant control valve? do you have to use plugs when you cut into it so coolant doesnt leak out?
  11. its the left hand bank(passenger side) so where would i put the plenum and would the hoses stretch? think i might b better just to drain the engine?
  12. I thought the two pipes under the back of the plenum nxt to the throttle body need to be disconnected and these are coolent pipes? Will be ordering that new cam cover off you m8, would it be from a later model Z i.e.less likely to fail again? ta
  13. What did you use to plug the coolant pipes? Im about to remove the intake plenum and install a new cam cover and new MD plenum spacer. Thanks.
  14. Yeah ive seen the post before on pumping pedel etc to get the codes to flash but i did some work with obd2 at uni so was wanting to have a wee play about etc but as i thought no can do, doh!
  15. Can this work on jdm cars as i think ive heard they need diff interface etc? if not im having one!
  16. Try DALZEL Tata Steel in Motherwell i believe they are taking on 20-30 people but it will probably be tough competition, they dont tend to advertise in papers just by word of mouth. If you become full time member its £25000 + bonuses + overtime most guys clear £30000. Altho they make you a temp for the first year and pay you only £17000 + bonuses etc. I would pop in quick and ask for an application form if they are still giving them out.
  17. Hi got the oil in spark plug chamber problem, got the bits to fix it and had the car up on stands and ready to go when my daily driver and sisters car (she gets back from her trip next month) toyota celica desides to empty its coolent! Was driving home from work, reved the car (3/4 up the revs, normally keep it low to save fuel) and a couple miles later i notice the water temp at max flashing so i slowed down put on the fan and it went back to normal. When I got home I noticed it was low on coolant so toped it up wi water. Drove to my gf to find it low again, topd it up then got home and its empty but the gauge still reads ok??? Its dark so havent had a look at the pipes yet but give me sum shots in the dark of what may have gone wrong? and why it aint showing its over heating again??? Also how long can i drive the nissan with the small amount of oil going in the chamber?
  18. cheers, it is garaged just worried as it was snowing the past few days and didnt want anything to happen to my babys heart lol
  19. Cheers guys just seen the post on fitting samco hoses and it gave a great walk thru and pics, would it be ok to leave the engine *dry* i.e no coolant for a day or 2while i change my cam cover? Thanks
  20. Hi, im in the process of replacing my cam cover but also fitting a new MD plenum spacer, as the workshop manual suggests draining the engine coolant before doing this.(also want to do it as im halfway through doing a P3 service on the car). I notice that the radiator drain plug is easy to get at but it suggests that the engine block plugs should also be removed? Do you normally do this when you change your coolant??? Just asking as the undertray bolts (ones with the metal clips) hav rusted solid and wont come off without ripping the plastic, leaving the holes ruined like the otherside The bolts in the middle are all fine and the ones at the back so what do you recomend? (mainly should I remove all drain plugs or just the main one on the radiator?) Also I have bought halfords coolant that is for alu engines should this be ok? and what mix should I use since I am from Scotland and its still a bit cold was thinking 40/60? Thanks
  21. How are the new discs working? feel much different?
  22. lol, dont know if its worth changing as I hope to super charge the car next year, would the pop charger fit on it? Or best use the one that comes with the kit?
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