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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. evilscorp

    75 'Stang

    one of the worst looking stang's, same as the late 80's not a fan
  2. Cant wait to see the one that says 'At Gary's front door!'
  3. Is a bank transfer ok for these? or paypal? I dont have a credit card (keep meaning to get one)
  4. Sounds like yours has been spec'd the same as mine, (I think its the best due to being lighter but still with all the good stuff )
  5. Fine im in (so much for thinking it over till sunday!) 1. andlid 2. jamzee500 3. octet 4. evest 5.keyser 6. Jim Clark 7. DBlock 8. Simon da Silva 9. Daryl 10. Introspect 11. Evilscorp
  6. My steering wheel is slightly to one side whats the best way to fix it? I had a wheel alignment done not long ago, so it should just be the steering wheel thats the problem.
  7. How much do they normaly cost? I might be interested in this keep me posted.
  8. A guy once cut up my dad causing him to emergency stop nearly giving himself whiplash, which he proceded to give the universal 'I dont like you' gesture to the guy only for the guy to do a U turn at a roundabout and follow him into morrisons carpark and knock him out My dad still made it back with a 24pk beers for my 17th bday party Since this I very very rarely make any jesture, its always better to pull over and think yourself lucky, you never know which whacko is in the other car! As for taking licence plates and telling the police that wont do anything, only way is if a cop is there at the time as a witness, I believe there is a website for posting bad drivers on.
  9. All I can say is be carefull! lol The Z is RWD and took me awhile to change my driving habbits from a FWD car, the power is more than enough to get you in some scary angles and situations! Type in window motor into the search and you may find a quick fix to save geting wet seats! But most of all enjoy ur new beast!
  10. Ouch, I looked at a car that had the window motor problem, lucky for me I knew about the fault. Dont think its too expencive to fix. Try holding the button up for a couple mins that stoped the window messing about when I took a car for a test drive, unfortunatly I could see the seller holding the switch confirming it was a dud lol he also tryed to say the car had brembos sum people will always try and dupe you. Im in the East K area so will hopefully see you about, lucky the weathers good at the mo Welcome to the joys of Z'ing
  11. Just to show people what hose and clip that gave me so much hassle, wish I had Husky's words of wisdom at the time as a jubille clip would be much easyer to fit!
  12. Yeah Husky, had to nip round to a mates and borrow one of those, my wrench has an adjustable head but its useless when you need to attach an extension bar
  13. Couldnt have done it with out you and your speedy parts m8 Gave myself a big boost in confidence....now...... how much does a supercharger cost??? lol
  14. Did it sound like ur engine had a square crank?lol
  15. Pardon the poor grammar just in from an 9hour shift and didnt get home last nite till 3am due to a ice hockey match at dundee where I took afew many hits to the head.
  16. That would be smart lol, didnt think of that due to adding the spacers under the strut so it wouldnt hit the plenum, this shouldnt have alterd the distance between it and the strut bar by much would it?
  17. Did she pay to put that add up?
  18. Thanks that would be the smart thing to do but I dont have one of those crow hook things so just looking for a gerneral distance if thats ok for someone to measure for me
  19. Only other thing was when I took off my old cam cover I didnt see any defects so not sure what was the problem in th first place that was causing the leak? When pushing the new cam cover on it did pop over the spark plug chambers so it must have had one which wasnt correctly seated on the previous cover. Also a pic of the new plenum spacer fitted, hard to notice unless you know what your looking for
  20. How come you did it twice Took me 6hours to get the new one on and fit the plenum spacer altho did have a few problems with hard to reach bolts, i.e. the ones at the back of the cam cover also had to remove the coolant hoses to the throttle body as I didnt have the space to remove the cam cover when the upper plenum is sat at the side, only problem was I fitted everything then tryed to get the hose back on, couldnt get the clamp clip back on the hose and over the downward pointing pipe. That part alone took 30mins lol.
  21. Just finished installing my new cam cover and MD plenum but had problems geting the strut back on with the new spacers had to turn the bolt a few times back and forth and totally forgot how many times i had turned it before I tighten it back up can someone undo the two side bolts and measure the gap(thred) when the two outside bolts come together with the middle one? will put a pic up later if people dont know what I mean. Thanks.
  22. Hi guys just going to post up sum pics of my attempt to replace my cam cover, my original one developed a leak in the 6th spark plug chamber and via the vast knowledge of this forum found out its a known fault that the seals fail round the spark plug chamber tops where it meets the cam cover. Took the induction kit off etc and when I went to remove the strut bar I noticed there was a grey dot on top and a darker one further round the manual states the darker of the two should be on top so dont think it was properly tightened (not sure tho) bolts cam off easy just had to remove the aftermarket alarm as it was attached to one side. Unplugd the connectors to the coils, throttle body and battery. Going to get the plenum off, fit the new cam cover and new Motordyne plenum spacer on sunday when I can have a helping(watchfull) pair of hands around as the pictures in the motordyne manual suggest you place the plenum to the side unfortunatly this is the side which I need access to get the cam cover off Wish me luck
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