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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. I looked at them as well but as no one had used them I opted for DBA, thank god I did, they are
  2. Horsham Developments is where I got them, Jez is a user on here who works for them Paid £130 or something their prices are on there webpage, best value for money item I have bought considering the ebay ones are similar price and wont last long
  3. Ahh, sometimes I wish I still had my prelude . What do most people replace when the get a new clutch? flywheel,bearings????everything?
  4. may invest in one these, looks good and probably sticks out a few cm inside the sump to give a large surface area for collecting those nasty little particles. Has anyone used one and noticed what the collection of metal is like when removed from the sump during a oil change?
  5. Pay a bit extra and get good boots, just hire the rest when you go abroad. As for the indoor slopes I still find them fun (braehead glasgow) they give you that hit of fun when its not the season and if you look about/go at the right times you can get in for cheap! I learned the hard way by going to the indoor slopes then a 2week holiday in canada no lessons so hit my head a lot, now I always wear my helmet, these boots(mine ) http://www.freezeproshop.com/detail.jsp?pid=3002462&id=3002492&src=froogle are perfect, I started with hire stuff until I could turn with both edges then bought these which now do fine for everything (powder, ice, jumps and the odd box). Dont buy a board as it will get ruined while you learn mine cost me £5 and a pint from a m8 its only good for snowzone and climbing hills at the roadside in winter to mess with. Im a great skier but a only a good snowboarder, wouldnt touch a set of skis again too much fun on a board! Enjoy and always push yourself, its softish when you land anyway! (unless on ice )
  6. Go see a Canucks game have always thought about moving over too but would miss my m8s too much.
  7. looks in great nic, nay curbing, no big stone chips looks like bothwell st
  8. How is the dust off them as I have found my wheels have changed colour to black after my DBA/Ferrodo set up. But they do stop
  9. There should be a grey dot on the nut which is your guide, I think its 3,1/4turns or something, most other braces dont have this function =non adjustable and not my choice. Btw nice engine bay, is that real gold lol
  10. Hi, how did you wrap the handels will it stand up to a few years of abuse or any signs of wear? also what rear lights are they?
  11. I had always wondered what shity induction kit was on my car when I got it,now I know! Dont buy it, I cut mine up and attached the standard airbox wi an hks filter, much better
  12. Just got mine from Jez, fast delivery and they look the nuts! great quality welds, just need to get an MOT before they go on
  13. evilscorp

    My Zed

    Nice, what does the veilside exhaust look like? Not sure about the mud flaps but could grow on me
  14. Just fitted my front DBA's and ferodo pads, was a bit worried as after 20miles I had some juddering and noise from them which I didnt get from the rears I fitted a few weeks back. The discs say no hard braking for 500miles but the pads say you should do some semi heavy stops when first fitted. Fixed the problem by some short B road action, (hopefully) and can say that the difference is totally noticeable and much improved over stock pads and discs (brembos)
  15. What you buying instead? love the stillen sound but couldnt live with the bonnet
  16. Loved my bb4 prelude (the one that looked nice not the square ugly box lights one) and the engine was but fwd can only take so much power, I wanted more and rwd thus 350z, but the supra has always been my dream car but as you said rust and time kill cars unless you find that one perfect car, 1;1000
  17. got the laser one. used it on my plenum install
  18. JDM's have a quieter exhaust than UK cars. So you probably have an after market exhaust.
  19. andlid you said this works with JDM cars too? Think I will be having one of these!
  20. Whats the ware like on the seats? always a good sign of a cars age. post a pic as mine has just gone 53000miles and the stitching on the leather seats is a wee bit frayed on the driver door side but apart from that look in good condition. I bet a higher mileage car would have much worse fraying and faded leather. But JDM's rock, if you get the right one
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