Pay a bit extra and get good boots, just hire the rest when you go abroad.
As for the indoor slopes I still find them fun (braehead glasgow) they give you that hit of fun when its not the season and if you look about/go at the right times you can get in for cheap! I learned the hard way by going to the indoor slopes then a 2week holiday in canada no lessons so hit my head a lot, now I always wear my helmet, these boots(mine ) are perfect, I started with hire stuff until I could turn with both edges then bought these which now do fine for everything (powder, ice, jumps and the odd box). Dont buy a board as it will get ruined while you learn mine cost me £5 and a pint from a m8 its only good for snowzone and climbing hills at the roadside in winter to mess with.
Im a great skier but a only a good snowboarder, wouldnt touch a set of skis again too much fun on a board!
Enjoy and always push yourself, its softish when you land anyway! (unless on ice )