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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. I might have watched it... Was nice to see some 350z's, thats all im going to say
  2. I had to contact them, two years I over payed,
  3. The misses went for an interview in London so called my dad for some Z time. Had my new BC suspension sitting in the flat looking shiny so thought it was time to get it on the car! Had a look online and youtube saved the day againhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL6utN4UpVQ, if anyone else has BC then they know you might aswell throw the manual away, even my English/ writing isn't that bad when I was 8 / 26 Followed the video kind of lol (didnt remove the drop links (orange 1) came back to bite me) (removed strut bar) The bottom bolt was solid (orange 2) had to use lots of gt40/wd40 on them and two large socket wrenches(one was a wheel nut remover=fo"*kin long) once it was out and the abs line was removed from its two holders (orange 3) I got my old man to undo the 3 top nuts (didnt want to get him dirty under the car, as he has a bad back (still managed to ski in Banff )) After this I took a mallet and gently taped the bottom of the shock to free it up, didnt work so ended up half sitting on the brake caliper/disk to free the bottom forks of the shock.(if I had removed the drop links it would have been a lot easier as i was fighting against them to push the calipers down) Once the shock was free moving at the bottom you can remove the two bolts that hold the upper A arm (red arrows show where they line up. (the bolts wont come out without a fight and some wiggiling as the springs are in the way). 3hours later..... got the old shock out and keeping the arms/brakes from swinging about using my thighs, installed the new shocks (a lot easier as they are shorter so less hassle getting the bottom fork over the arm.) replace everything where it was, altho the new abs brackets (green 4) had to be moved all the way down nearly touching the bottom locking collar as I didn't want to stretch them (might be able to slide the rubber mounts up, didn't try) same again for the other side but even more hassle trying to get the old shocks out! remember to loosen or remove drop links! The picture that shows the space I was working in was the good side, the other was half the space could not sit side on had to sit with my back against the wall and my chest was nearly touching the car. Due to this and the amount of swearing coming from myself my dad told me that we would wait till next week to do the backs, only down at his and outside lol. Whole process took 5hours due to two idiots close by also one of the bottom nuts has a mashed up head so will shortly for new ones and also new bolts for the rear just incase Went for a wee test drive, (I know it needs alignment done and the rears) but it felt good and softer than oem when set to 1 on the damping, manholes were barely noticeable (until the rears hit them ) Then set it to 30 could tell the difference straight away, much harder and more thump like when going over bumps on the same route. (still not bad i thought, my dad wasnt impressed, said it reminded him of his tts magnetic suspension on sport mode he is old tho and has that bad back ) Now to wait a week and hope the rears will be less hassle. No idea how to set the ride height for the rears as the shocks and springs have separate ride height adjustment. As you can see from the pic the fronts are the same height as the rears (same as before) so the email from BC saying they drop a min of 20mm is unless this is how much the springs will compress as they settle over time? what do you guys think? (I will go lower 15-20mm if this is what they will stay like) Now where did my day go?
  4. Would have passed this thread up, but luckily got bored, nice
  5. Hope your not stuck without fuel for your new toy.
  6. Would probably still give some people the same highs/physical reaction as the hookers and coke. Looks brilliant! Well done, now where is the dyno?
  7. Always wondered who would buy the cossy stuff, thought it would be race teams and arabs but no just some crazy man in a shed
  8. Quite a few of us have taken our cars there. One of the few places I trust, altho I haven't had a normal service done there before.
  9. Common fault with the window motors, use the search and you will find the fix (loose connection normally) or a link to ZMANALEX for a new motor. Happy motoring!
  10. Are the cylinders all scratched to &@%*? Glad you have an eye for detail, could have been even more costly. Whats the plan for the knackered one? Forged pistons?
  11. What part are these extenders? Longer springs? I only plan on droping mine 10-15mm is this possible with the components out the box with a little adjustment? I ask as I have not touched the settings yet as I thought they would be at max ride height to begin with. Cheers.
  12. nice Yeah car is going good, got the looks now need more POWER! lol Sad to see your Z go, was one of my favourites! Someone's going to be very lucky to have such a nice car.
  13. David Whats the new motor your leaving us for Will miss passing you in EK.
  14. what a bummer! but as you said 400hp on a duff engine Guess we are in for a long wait now until the next update Hope your luck improves!
  15. Nice post GT4 Zed, never knew that most catch cans were hollow. Might invest in one after your wise words
  16. No mate, look closer there's a small 'u' after the T it just says TURD Couldnt quite zoom in enough on my phone/ thought there was something wrong with my eyes. Wheres the injen intake? Behind the orange grill?
  17. Does it run that much power/heat it turns sand particles in the air into glass? Can't say im surprised there is always something interesting to read in this build.
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