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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. Not sure you seen my last post,ive bought the kestral just waiting for delivery,but need pads,does it use the same as the g220? Thanks
  2. anyone got any idea what pads i should buy for the kestral, i orderd the buff but cnt see where to buy pads? or what kind.
  3. i will have the oil cap mate, does it come with tiny screws in it?(cant quite see on my phone) just asking as my aftermarket on does and the little buggers go loose and fall out around the filler hole
  4. street drifting track yes,we have one or two members who do that(1jz-gte engined car is my fav but forgot his name) Good luck with ur sale
  5. mine came with one but it was deamed excess weight and now gathers dust in garage also its purple?
  6. because he has done away with his idler pulley and fitted shorter belts, i think he didnt bother fitting it so brand new
  7. hes never used one before(nether have I) so it would be best to get a dual action one (had a look at the dodo buff,looks )
  8. As you all know its fathers day soon and mine has asked for a car polisher, what is a good midrange buff? I have no clue as megulars one is £170and a silverline one is £22 (i know you get more pads and products with the megulars) what should i look out for? cheers (need more than a buff to sort my paintwork)
  9. what maf sensor are you using? i know most tuned cars with over 350hp tend to need an upgraded one. I presume it was the full v2 kit, these should come with a base map for any car,who installed it for u? also heard most vortechs prefer to have the cars idle raised slightly(they rattle less and run better.)
  10. That didnt last long,wonderd why i didnt see any bodykits or spoilers being attached to your 370.
  11. mine only makes 283after quite a few mods so 250 is about right, very few make what nissan said they should
  12. Take it easy and get well soon don't thrash around when you see a noob or stupid post just count to 10 and then give your usual opinion (note to all! don't start any tire threads!)
  13. Neat idea As for the rear bumper support its probably over kill as mine hangs down and under and is a lot flimsier than yours, not had anyone mention if I had a rudder before
  14. This one would hint at what is under the bonnet or fool people into thinking you have a rear mount turbo!
  15. A new weak jacking point I would love to have a full view of your under car, its like a rainbow! Does your diff have a scuff guard?
  16. Check if it has brembo's as some jdm's have smaller nissan brakes. and
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