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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. I Have not seen one before yours on thurs, so you could be right. Still thinking of selling? I nearly said it wasnt me cos ive not driven it much lately due to the weather and me tinkering with it!
  2. That explains the white 370z reving round tesco carpark lol,just got a side-view as you drove past. cheer mate, think my missus likes yours more than mine
  3. Also check the imports hav brembos! my 03 import hasnt had a clutch change and is sitting close to 59k, feels like it should last quite a bit more but its a guessing game! as for import docs i have very little just some showroom pics and spec from japan and the importers name,but i think its more important the person your buying from has looked after it! insurance aint much higher. good luck
  4. Isn't yours charged now anyways? not yet
  5. 2nd gear at 30mph is in the Z sweet spot for torque, just a slight touch in the wet on a sharp bend will get the back end thinking. But I feel for you mate I dont even drive mine in the wet im that much of a pussy. Hope you get it fixd soon!
  6. ricey what exhaust is that? DC ?
  7. no1, just like a drag car! massive rears tiny fronts (or no3, its not even good weather this summer so not missing much with another few months)
  8. fitting larger injectors will make it run pig ritch, you need more air too,the ecu wont know it has bigger injectors without a remap, the stock ones are fine unless you go above 350ish whp. also where will the new injectors get their fuel? i.e. a new bigger fuel pump. hav a read up in the performance section if u want tips
  9. Get some more up! Cant beat a bit of car porn
  10. Aye thats it,lol. Didnt have a chance to look at the rear(if i had i would have left a nice big turd beside it)
  11. No I was driving past and was running a bit late due to the good lady and her hair
  12. Just off the main street parked up, nice sunset Z with black 18" oem wheels and custom grill reg was TAZ ### Was at a wedding just down the road, minus the Z as the weather was pants
  13. Im wearing a charcoal suit right now at a wedding. Sacrilege - you're at a wedding you should have a kilt on I normaly do but I bought new suit so thought i wuld try it out (gf friends wedding,saves on hire/desiding
  14. Im wearing a charcoal suit right now at a wedding.
  15. Same happend to me, car was left on my drive for a week as i had to strip the hub to get sent away for new bushes if it went smoothly and having never done it before would have been about 8-10hours depending on ur luck at setting the ride height!
  16. You will need bits like this (plus a lot more )
  17. If its anything to do with a Z, even a tea cosy im sure we will all enjoy it!
  18. I have a custom one which looks similar to the DC(plus silencers in the mid section) but the welds are sh@# and so are the bends so going to go for the DC too as it looks the same as mine, I wouldnt mind some vids as I run resonated decats so expect it will be loud (not that bothered as its a weekend car) Brillomaster if you get one let me know or stick some vids up
  19. Standard oem ride height to fook me my ass is scraping the floor I tryed asking and was told that there would be a min drop of 15-20mm, not the case, you can have it any height you want bar raising it. You just need to have threads covering the viewing hole completely to be set to max ride height.
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