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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. He will probably say he is too big now and Vin would need to work out so he does not get shown up!
  2. Got the de-cats, quality bit of metal
  3. It's ok Ian they have waited 4 years for your pics, another couple of weeks won't hurt
  4. Managed to pass my mot today thanks to my friendly tester otherwise i would be swaping my decats for these, they do look very similar to my h-dev decats
  5. had oil in my spark plug tube got new cam cover from Zmamalex = problem fixd
  6. Sorry Jay im with Neil on that one,my missus has been waiting 5years Once the Z is finished she can get one!
  7. Wel compare tans mate then il tell you how fine a shade of brown you are I think I may be proper competition now mate Just back from Egypt bet i am paler than I was previously , next you guys will be comparing dick sizes
  8. Hope the shed keeps you mobile but dont wait too long to scratch that itch or you will wake up in a few years time with kids and a people carrier! Best of luck mate
  9. evilscorp


    Looking forward to seeing more
  10. I like it, but not on a standard car, would suit mine if you want to buy it for me?
  11. I think there were 2 m3's the one i was talking about was a half carbon e46,think the plate was bil @*=, didnt see him in person tho.
  12. David and his black VS 350z(good to meet you again,didnt realise billy with the m3 was part of your Unit ,meet him on a pistonhead run). Also a nice sleek white 350z, owend (presumably) by a young guy missing a Beard Got some pics but on 12h niteshifts so no chance to upload them yet.
  13. Yet you still bought it As you said,do an oil change+check your spark plugs, Do you get lots of blue smoke? cos it normaly oil that gets in the cylinders not petrol geting in the oil pan.
  14. albany assistance= but i tend to still use elephant/admiral cos they r cheap!
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