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Everything posted by ShortPaul

  1. Hi good luck with your search 😁
  2. I thought that the filming of the cars entering the meeting would be on here🤔
  3. Torqen will have them😁
  4. Hi mate both pics are of the same zed, his forum name is V1H, there is a thread on the build called weaponized👌
  5. Lol, its a bit much for us southerners as well 🎆
  6. Hi and welcome from Bristol, great looking zed in a rare colour as well 👏
  7. Thanks for organising had a great time
  8. Yeah good meeting you coz, always good to put a face to a name thanks for doing that discount 😁
  9. Hi buddy, if have no joy and you are quick, there's two oem dividers on eBay and they are rare, just Google 350z boot divider
  10. Hi buddy sorry i didn't get to meet you, i ended up walking around the track twice, i probably passed you at some stage 🤣
  11. Very nice, i have always had a soft spot for the rx7
  12. Great day weather was spot on, thanks for organising Andy 👏
  13. Hi mate i am coming from Bristol so i will be going straight to combe
  14. Really poor numbers, it's a shame as it is a great venue
  15. I spotted the add briefly at work today but i didn't properly read the advert, shame there's damage to one of the rims
  16. Why not phone administration @combe i am sure they would be able to do something for you
  17. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125376007676?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=rqq-lVmbRWS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY just spotted these
  18. Hi Pete torqen have the hard where for fitting w brace😁
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