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Everything posted by ShortPaul

  1. Could of sworn you had a v1 rear wing 🤔
  2. What a nice thing to do for someone, a free exhaust🥵would What a nice thing to do for someone
  3. Hope you are talking about this forum 😉
  4. Sounds like you had a good day looking forward to seeing the pics
  5. Hope it all goes well, i won't try and talk you into buying a 370 Nismo, as it sounds like your mind is already made up, but i do own a 370 Nismo and they are great cars
  6. Impressive numbers mr docwra, sounds like a handful
  7. I would wait for the colour that you really want when spending that sort of money 😉good luck
  8. This looks like a lot more than 40k worth
  9. Ok but look at it! Ugly is what springs to mind
  10. Personally i would rather have my Nismo all day long.
  11. The zed in question looks way to good to be used for track days😟
  12. Hi and welcome from Bristol congrats
  13. If you weren't so far away i would come and have a pop at it myself
  14. Hi mate justed checked the distance, that would be a five hour round trip for me
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