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Everything posted by ShortPaul

  1. Hi, I had my exausts done at the same place The y piece is one hundred and seventy on top of that price, getting why piece sorted by them soon, exausts sound good, not raspy Deeper when ticking over, with a nice bark after 4000 revs are you doing the noth Wales run ? Cheer Paul
  2. Hi mate, Looks like a tidy car, go for it,or may be test drive both cars.
  3. Hi Ricey, I Have Desided, may be it will
  4. Hi mate,I would like to think so,but I dont think they will, but may be
  5. ShortPaul

    My new Zed

    Hi Dobby, are you coming to the next breakfast meet at Cribbs?
  6. Hi mate,dont ignore warning lights,I had this problem about a year ago,I spoke to a main dealer,I took car to main dealer,and they reseted free of charge
  7. Hi, I am looking for oem z badge, as my badge broke when I removed it last night,can anyone help me out with this?
  8. Hi mate, keep it in white, looks much better, I could not find one in white when I was looking. May be colour code it Have merry Christmas.
  9. Hi,mate glad to hear your wheels are sorted Thats a really good price for refurb work on all the wheels.I have just paid five hundred to to get my wheels refurbed,but they have come back better than new. cheers Paul
  10. Hi, I am looking to buy a chargespeed 2 rear bumper with a defuser. I have found three places to buy these parts from in the uk, but have been told to stay well clear of one of them, because their products were shockingly bad. Because of this I was wondering if anyone has used the other two companies ( Lambo Door Kits and Mad Motors ) before I consider buying from them. Any feedback on these companies would be great. Cheers
  11. Hi, i am looking for a charge speed rear bumper. Has anyone got one for sale? or can anyone advise as to where i can buy one in the uk?
  12. This looks good. I would like to buy. Please can you give me a call on tel: xxxxxxxx to arrange. Look forward to hearing from you. Cheers Paul
  13. Thats great news, See you there. My names Paul. Thanks for your help its much appreciated.
  14. I have recently joined the owners club. Last year I had to park in the overspill carpark across the road from the circuit. It would be really good to park up with you guys this year. How do I go about doing this? Is there a special gate for 350z owners club.
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