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Everything posted by tokenjoke

  1. You're just too thick to respond aren't you... My last post/question: How old are you?
  2. This statement clearly demonstrates how stupid you are... Nobody on boxa.net could give a flying f*ck what car you buy you knob. Still persisting with the "proper" Porsche thing I see... Hope your mum lets you stay up to watch Top Gear this week... The fact that you don't understand why people have reacted in the way they have, is a clear indication of what a complete numbskull you are. People spent time taking photos's and typing responses to your questions etc. and then you attack them with comments like that. The fact that you refer to "choice of lifestyle" and not "choice of car" also ultimately indicates the driver behind your decision making process. Yes, both Boxsters & Zeds can be a lifestyle choice, but I would put quite a lot of cash on the fact that most (90% +) members of both forums chose these vehicles because they are motoring enthusiasts. There is nothing "false" about this account. My intention when signing up was just to comment on the thread, I liked the balanced views of the regular members. However, after reading more of your guff I thought I'd let them know what a complete waste of time you are. The "nonsense" you refer to (also known as your "Going to buy one tomorrow But which one? Final decision") was shut down for your own good, not for any other reason.
  3. I just wanted to say hello. As a boxster owner and very regular user of Boxa.net I found this thread very interesting, some great posts, some shyate, very much like we have over there. It’s a good job that we don’t all have the same tastes in cars, would be very boring on the roads. For background, token has been hanging around boxa.net for a while asking many questions that people have taken a lot of time to respond too. However, the guy simply can't make a decision or create an opinion of his own. For example, one of the questions he asked was "are heated seats important?" The responses he got were very mixed as you would expect and ranged from "absolutely essential" to "not at all, they give you piles". Based on these responses he decided that he must have heated seats because we all said so. People have only lashed out at him after he has made some stupid comments, personal attacks, called us Rednecks and regurgitated Clarkson's “poor mans Porsche†line. I can also assure you that this wasn’t the only one of his stupid threads, in one he asked people to take a photo of the interior of their cars as he couldn’t remember if it felt claustrophobic… :headhurt: Boxa.net is a very friendly, helpful and welcoming forum, none of the members that I've ever met are pretentious or look down their noses at drivers of other brands. Many use their Boxsters as weekend cars and run Fords/VW’s etc. as their daily drives so why would they. Many members have moved on from boxster ownership both for other Porsche models or other brands completely (one even bought an Alpha recently… ) but still hang around as it is such a good forum. I think his initial post on this thread really sums him up, slagging Z's on a Z owner forum is just pathetic. I'm sure he managed to waste some of your time asking for advice before deciding on "the sublime boxster"... The guy is a d!ck and just needs to go home to his toys and look forward to the day that he can finally take his driving test... Cheers...
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