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Everything posted by police350z

  1. It is Criminal Damage, but you need evidence, stick a camera somewhere that catches in between vehicles if possible, another possible is to call the police anyway and save the blue mark on your Zed, sometimes it can be matched to the offending vehicle, best of luck!!!!
  2. Welcome Don't ruin it by adding boy racer toy's, the Zed looks fab as it is
  3. There must be something in the Bristol air re 350z,s, I drove all the way from Mansfield in Notts to Bristol to pick mine up 6 weeks ago, it was the best deal on the web and I wasn't dissapointed when I clapped eyes on it, apart from a few stone chips on the front bumper, it was in A1 condition, the wheels didn't have 1 curb mark on them and I also got a 3 quarter tank of fuel, 7 months tax and he also threw in a nearly new front tyre. The wife is worried that I'll want to swap it for something different next year as I only had the RX8 for a year but she can rest assured there is nothing that I know of that would touch the 350. It has to be the most enjoyable head turning car Iv'e ever owned and Iv'e owned a few sports cars. I can't stop looking out my front window and gawping at it, is everyone like this or am I just sad!!! Anyway welcome.
  4. Thanks for all the welcome's, very friendly bunch, will sort out pics and location bits when I look into it a bit more, any advice would be appreciated, and sorry to the ex RX8 owners, the car was superb looking, I meant that after driving the 350 their was just no comparison and ey meduk to Arkwright, I,m just up the road from you in Mansfield, cheers.
  5. Yeh, thought as much, 04 with full service history with 46 on clock, well pleased, cheers.
  6. Hi, just picked up my silver 350z GT last month after desperately wanting one since they first came on the scene. I part chopped an RX8 and the difference in driving, power, looks and just about everything else is incredible. The torque I get from the roaring engine is superb. Pulling away uphill in 4th gear at 25mph is something Iv'e never experienced, especially in the crappy RX8. Insurance was only an extra 53 quid for the year (£325 in total ,although having full no calims helps) I have got to watch myself though, having 6 points on my licence, Anyone experienced anything I should be looking out for engine wise? Cheers and thanks for reading.
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