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Everything posted by Stoker11

  1. Stoker11

    2016 Calendar

    Just got my calendar this morning,thanks Stu
  2. Stoker11

    2016 Calendar

    1 SuperStu (2x A3) + Desktop (1x) 2 glrnet (1) 3 Ebized (1 x A3) + (1 x Desktop) 4 Lexx x 1 of each 5 Mikeyazure 1 of each. 6 richard.hezlett 1 of each 7 Zmanalex 1 of each. 8 ioneabee Desktop (1x) 9 Keyser A3 x1 10 buster A3 X 1 11 Kev T A3 x1 12 Paul K (both) 13 ogman - one of each please 14 terry06 (1 x A3) 15 Rothers2901 (2 x A3) 16 Lyndzzz (A3) 17 Pritchard 18 Irn Bru 2 x A3 + 1 desktop 19 Eatonm90 A3 x1 20 Vlad A3 x 1 21 Chesterfield 1 of each 22 MBS (2x A3) + 1 Desktop 23 Brummiestormer x2 A3 24 Paddy78 - 1 of each please 25 Andy James A3x1 26 Veeg33 x1 (desktop) 27 SUPRAWOOKIE (1 x A3) + (1 x Desktop) 28 ianphampton ( 1 x A3 ) 29 Davedutch x1 desktop 30 Bobby D X1 A3 31 Chirag1988 A3 x1 32 Clark Motorsport ( 1 of each) 33 Stoker 11 (A3 x 1) 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
  3. Congratulations and all the best for the future
  4. Azure Blue Cleethorpes sea front today approx 1350.Waved and got a nod and a wave back!
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