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Everything posted by Stoker11

  1. I found listerning to some nice music,reading through everything and writing notes and having a few breaks in between helped
  2. Cheers Hugh for the info i'll pass it on to my lot here at work,as a few live that way. Harry
  3. Work shifts so driving around odd times of the day.Just look out for a 07 Grey GT
  4. Never mind i,m looking forward to seeing your car out and about again
  5. Azure on a 04 plate with two white go faster stripes from front to back in Tesco's Cleethorpes yesterday afternoon.
  6. You put the Zed away a bit to early Matty,the weather is ok,will be driving mine home in a bit after work.If the weather does get extreme then the Shed will be out.
  7. Hi and welcome Jordan,another Zed owner in our area great
  8. Some business vans/lorries have a number on them that you are invited to ring if their driving concerns you.If you have a record of dodgy driving you should have to place your mobile number on the back of your car so that other drivers can ring you when its safe to do so!!,if you are driving when you answer the phone you could get done for that as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Some Output figures for 1015 this morning,CCGT(Gas Stations)-14092MW,COAL-21456MW,NUCLEAR-6297,WIND POWER-1816MW.Including the other forms of supply at 1015 the total power output was 44793MW.Not a big contribution to the Grid at the moment from the wind supply.Oh by the way i'm on shift at my CCGT Power Station
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