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Everything posted by spursmaddave

  1. Too true, instead of moaning why not get off your own **** and do it yourself, otherwise wait and see what happens
  2. I got an Azure touch up kit for zmanalex for £8 inc postage, small bottle of paint and clear coat too. Genuine Nissan part.
  3. Have you put 2p in each side, mine always took 2 pops and I thought it was just normal, but 2 minutes and 4p later it works fine
  4. i have an urge to ram people who use 2 bays. its annoying, especially if thats the only space left Definitely, I once saw 2 Audi's parked over the lines at local Tesco and when I came out someone had parked a Corsa inbetween them classic! To be honest I reckon someone parked like that is more likely to get someone damaging their car than if they parked considerately in the first place!
  5. Hope you and the others get it sorted out ASAP, but £82 for a badge I reckon you were stung either way!!
  6. I have the same unit, excellent HU and sounds superb with the standard speakers and sub
  7. As said above the limit it 70 and most cruise at 80, if it was raised to 80 most would cruise at 90 and so on.... I absolutely agree with the tailgating comments too, and don't get me started on motorbikes, think once, think twice, think complete idiot undertaking @ 100mph....
  8. I think the speed limits on our roads are about right although if I'm cruising on a motorway it's usually around the 80mph mark. As for speeding tickets the speed limit is just that, a limit not a target.
  9. If it's running windows7 or vista why not try a system restore to before the problems started, not guaranteed but worth a shot before you try anything more drastic.
  10. Ive just come back from Abbey for a P1, I would definitely recommend them, I'm Kent/London border, it's just round the M25, half hour or so.
  11. Just got back home from Abbey, thanks to Scott, Mark & Sarah very friendly and great service, only place I will be going from now on. Dave
  12. Yep grip your knob firmly around the base, twist and pull from above and it should come off in your hand...... I shouldn't think you can damage the gearbox too much unless you are a complete knob
  13. Whatever you do, don't lose the little brass ring that is inside the oem knob, if you drop it you will be very lucky to find it again!
  14. Google is your friend - http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Tutorial:Shift_Knob_Removal_and_Replacement That's what I used to remove my old knob
  15. Seems to be a bit of a theme, some if the most avid modders suddenly looking to sell up, just shows you what we all know really that it's an expensive business that gives you very little money back too. Really hope you manage to sort things out and keep the car as you have obviously spent so much time and effort on it. I agree with some of what has been said above, if you do sell then don't get a similar but older, lesser sports car, go for a year or so of cheap motoring that way you can get sorted even quicker. All the best whatever way you go, and whatever happens you better stay around here!
  16. Miles , but going to Abbey for a service on Tuesday and I have a feeling it will be more than a P1 after I look at all the precious shiny things
  17. Well said, I keep mine clean and tidy but never spend more than say an hour giving it a good clean, I just can't wait to drive it, rather spend half hour driving it than 5 hours cleaning it I have put 8k on the car since I got it 6 months ago
  18. I was going to say exactly the same thing
  19. Mine makes the same knocking sound when you turn the steering stationary, just a light sounds when you turn it either right or left, no drifting at all though, just a little pulling when on less than level road with a camber.
  20. Nice collection of equipment.... now all you need is some help cleaning the Z
  21. was about to suggest the same thing. i need to ring them to as i need to book in for a remap. Abbey have been in touch now and sorted, I wasn't going to chase them after emails and PMs, if they were too busy to answer fair enough. Trouble is I know I'm going to go for a service and end up getting a new exhaust and uprev too... Just have to tell the missus it was essential work and needed doing
  22. How right you are.... Saw this comment on number 4 - 50 words on .... The Styling: The Nissan 350Z is a very nice looking car without any exterior modification
  23. The 'challenges' and 'races' are funny but they used to be an extra now the show is built round them
  24. My Z is nearly due it's 80k P1 service and I'm looking for a decent independant garage to service and also do a general check on the car, clutch, brakes, plugs etec etc as I only have a very limited knowledge of such things... Anybody got a good recommendation, I live in SE London and work in Essex, has anyone used Torque Development International in West Thurrock? Have looked on the forum, CS is a little too far away and Abbey have not replied to Emails or PMs on here despite Reading them so must be too busy, shame cos I probably would have ended up getting more done than just a service! Any help or advice appreciated, the car seems in good condition heavy clutch but once it's warmed up no problem, the odd clunk from the back when I change to reverse but again don't think that's a problem, hand brake needs adjusting but that's fairly normal I believe...
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