If you look on the national statistics site its all on there mate in terms of public spending, you can even download the spread sheet. Trust me, it is not 1%, the spread of spend is about on average £8k per head with variations around that down to £6k per head in some areas and £10k per head in others.
As for backbone, have you lived in many other countries to experience their governments and make a view? I have only lived in two countries outside the UK but its no different. I for one would prefer to live here with tolerance than somewhere like France with its every increasing racist views.
The grass is always greener, when I lived in Sweden it was spotlessly clean everywhere but not the most tolerant and also taxes were I think around 37% of earnings! Having a car there was a luxury for the average wage earner not like over here where even dole scroungers still seem to be able to run old heaps of crap filled with 4/5 kids and various pets....