Sorry I totally disagree with that statement about EBC.
I have no issues with the EBC turbogrooves and yellowstuffs that I am running, even on the track.
The yellowstuffs even have good cold bite for winter driving.
Other uprated pads such as DS2500's can give you some bottom twitching moments until you get some heat into them.
I'm not saying they are rubbish though, I've found they are better on the track than the Yellowstuffs but occassionally a little scary on the road.
At the end of the day its how much cash you have to spend and what you are going to use them for.
If you can afford and want something that looks good the more you pay the more bling you get.
If you just want an upgrade over standard for occasional trackdays and road use I would reccommend the turbogrooves and yellowstuffs or turbogrooves and DS2500's.
Whatever route you go make sure you check the runouts during installation and take your time stress relieving them. Failure to do these are the biggest reasons people suffer with brake vibration.
Hope this helps
To clarify I was talking about EBC rotors NOT EBC pads.
I was told to avoid cheap EBC rotors by ZManAlex & Mark @ Abbey and that is good enough for me, Im sure your turbogrooves are fine but plenty of people get juddering and problems with them so I will avoid and advise anyone else to as well.