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Everything posted by spursmaddave

  1. http://groceries.asda.com/asda-estore/search/searchcontainer.jsp;jsessionid=6-eWynnyOFB1ftF4bQfSnA**.oses4084-atg07?trailSize=1&searchString=milk&domainName=Products&headerVersion=v1&_requestid=2523
  2. They actually said that taking paint depths is a complete waste of time. Unless you have an UBER expensive piece of equipment all it measures is the depth of everything including the clear coat etc so totally useless information... they actually had quite a laugh at people who measure it and look like they know what they are doing Just thought, if you are someone who does then apologies... wasn't me who said it, was the experts
  3. That glrnet's he has a blue & silver fetish don't ya know The Azure just left of Grahams in the pic was apparently the best turned out car on the day The guys from Meguiars have actually asked me to run the next seminar, but they didn't want to say anything in front of anyone else in case it caused embarrassment Darren if you want any tips just ask ok
  4. Didn't realise you were there, I would have said hello , we need to have name badges made... were you one of the beardies ? yes i was one of the beardies that turned up just before 10; i was the one in the s2k glasses, GAP jumper, asked about glass cleaning and the DA's, looked like i had only had 3 hours sleep etc etc Oh right.... I thought you just wandered past and they took pity Are you coming down for the Goodwood breakfast meet?
  5. Didn't realise you were there, I would have said hello , we need to have name badges made... were you one of the beardies ?
  6. She could **** in my favourite shoes and chew up my favourite shirt... but how could I stay angry with her when she looks at me with those eyes
  7. Ian we have never met but I will go out on a limb and say that I reckon Coco is SIGNIFICANTLY more gorgeous that you If I am wrong please PM me your number as after joining this forum I could be on the turn
  8. It has to be a posh cat chair otherwise that is the size of a Panther I will have to get a pic of my daughters cat, I am 6'4" and if I hold the cat with its paws on my shoulder it stretched down to my knees HUGE cat And I believe gorgeous blue eyes beat scary alien eyes anyday Lets just agree both are lovely in their own ways
  9. If I said her name was 'Snowy' would it then be relevant Ian... you know what they say about pets looking like their owners
  10. I can often be seen on a saturday nice with a roll of lino and my beatbox (about 30 years ago)
  11. I resemble that remark ! http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/lciO6vouG0Ow8izGTpsj
  12. Man you were lucky from what I heard... I was right at the front so oblivious to it all Glad you had a SAFE journey home
  13. Here is a close up for you[attachment=0]loki4.JPG[/attachment] I will see your pretty cat and raise you an even prettier one
  14. Oh Darren the shame of having the worst turned out car but only because mine wasn't black I agree Will my Christmas list has got a little longer... if only the DA had been blue and silver Graham would have bought one and I would have been able to borrow it (maybe) I was impressed with the guys from Meguiars as they didn't talk down to us like I expected and didn't push all their products on us, they just explained what we should do, showed us what their stuff does do and then said there it is if you want it Thanks for organising Tim although I expect you have created an army of DIY detailers so I am sure you will get a few orders and maybe a few SOS calls Nice drive back, better than the drive up
  15. 350z Roadster with roof down 350z Roadster with roof up
  16. 2nd hand mr2 and stook roofs go for 1000.00 easy. so those prices seem inline with most other OEM roofs, honda UK charged about 2.5k for a new roof back when they were in production. When you think about how much people pay for body kits then I suppose they are decent value and the Zed one looks like it changes the whole look of the car...
  17. Should have gone for the Fidanza flywheel though Graham It does make a bit of noise but when you get going woohooo You just need a louder exhaust to mask the chatter
  18. Glad the clutch & your arse are both in better working order
  19. Corvette C6 one but I imagine it is very similar... http://www.smoothline.com/images/gallery/corvette/c6/c6_dkred01.jpg'>http://www.smoothline.com/images/gallery/corvette/c6/c6_dkred01.jpg[/img http://www.smoothline.com/ Not exactly bargain prices... Base Price - Corvette C6 (2005 - present) ONLY $2699.00 primed and paint ready.
  20. I prefer the simple explaination 1. Turn on ignition 2. Turn left most dial all the way right 3. Turn middle dial so it points straight up 4. Turn nearest dial so it points straight up 5. Wait about 2 minutes 6. simples
  21. yeah but it's nice to know what your missing even if it isn't much because there is always the chance it could be something even if it isn't anything...
  22. In the bad snow earlier this year I had a woman in a crappy hatchback behind me WAY too close and everytime I looked in the mirror she was turned around shouting at her kids in the back seat that and everytime she pulled forward too far a slid towards my rear end Worst drive home ever, 10 miles and took 3 hours... luckily I am a laid back kind of guy and did not get stressed... Yeah right
  23. WTF is the purpose of that site?!! Is it realy just girlies stuck in their cars ? ROFL if that sort of thing gets you lads going then why not just watch Penelope Pitstop? "oooooo Hey-yelp" Who said chivalry was dead ? now I know where I go wrong - I don't act helpless enough!! I will have you know it is a very educational and thought provoking site... I have it bookmarked
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