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Everything posted by spursmaddave

  1. Nah I have a speedboat that does 300PMH.... That is made mostly of wood too
  2. I think you are mistaking me for someone who's bothered my dear Sandwich! That's a shame as your car is mint and it would set the wheels off lovely
  3. Pot & Kettle Mr Biscuit I think anyone bragging about going those sorts of speeds on a public road, even in another country deserves some ribbing I have a pictures of Lambo's & Ferrari's on my PB account, does that mean I own them
  4. Indeed, if I could go 200mph I don't think I would with those tiddlers
  5. I like that the new owner says he wouldn't like to say how much money he has spent on the car.... I would say bugger all as it looks the same as when it was on the forum
  6. I think zmanalex does a very reasonable copy
  7. I think the only Zed he has looks like this
  8. Its bank holiday monday he will on the golf course with the rest of the upper management
  9. i would say roughly half way between the cheapest and the most expensive
  10. Silver would look nice.... But blue & silver is a slippery slope
  11. It will look like the grey but darker And nicer....
  12. I think even the bears would turn their nose up at it
  13. Gloss black wrap, cheap, removable and easy to refurb when it gets stone chipped Grey looks nasty
  14. One of my favourite jobs when i was a sainsbury manager was going out of an evening to the car park and 'stickering' cars without blue badges in the disabled areas. They were really sticky and hopefully a real pita to remove
  15. I wish I lived closer to the Zed Shed I think my missus is glad I don't though
  16. Does everyone on here go shopping on a saturday morning or something You don't HAVE to shop when everyone else is you know
  17. Jim pinched a bit off me, apparently it is a little better than his usual aftershave
  18. Yeah his workaround mod is very very clever.... just don't tell him I said that
  19. 5 times is that all My centre console has been on and off more times than a tarts knickers You got an AVX640 or was it a 740? Glad your happy with it, I love my AVX840
  20. Yeah true, I have had my moments too When it comes to members of the family. My ex-wife was Indian and my kids are obviously quite dark so I have reacted to a fair bit of racial stuff in the past Very hard to turn the other cheek and do the right and proper thing although that was in my yoof nowadays I am pretty laid back and just laugh at peoples ignorance because that is all it is at the end of the day...
  21. The Sony looks nice Steve, how does it sound? No more Mods.... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Yeah right! :stir:
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