Yeah I can manage the daily strikes on my own but had to call on Hype to help me do a weekly strike on level 26, was a bit tough but we made it
This weeks heroic/nightfall is pretty tough. I usually find the nightfall's easier than the heroics tbh, the added damage you deal from the "burn" (arc this week, void last week, fire next maybe?) helps loads, it's worth doing asap as well as you get a 25% bonus on everything (vanguard rep, cryptarch etc). Once you manage to get down to Phogoth though it's pretty easy, run to the door to open it, run back to the room before the door and snipe through the small gap in the 2 doors you can see through, if he move to the right just run in a chuck a grenade to his right and he'll move left again... just don't stay in that room before the boss room for more than 10 seconds or the screemer or whatever they're called will spawn.
Cheers not tried the nightfall ones yet, assumed I would need some help!
Did the daily one on level 28 on my own this morning which I was quite happy with, did die a couple of times