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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. Well decided to an Xbone to go with my PS4. Got be honest and say I've had more fun with Forza Horizon 2 this afternoon than anything on the PS4 so far. And I not even touched the Halo collection yet....:)


    Yep the PS4 is crying out for a decent driving game :(

    • Like 1
  2. Downloaded CoD AW for my PC, it's ok but nothing special so far and kind of feels clunky compared to Destiny...


    Visually cod:AW is a huge setup from previous cod games, still some very dodgy textures and lighting, yes still the same tired format, for once i'd like to finish a stage still standing and not under some rubble or trapped or missing a limb etc , gotta be one of the worst endings ever :yawn:


    Yeah agreed looks quite pretty but not much else really, looking forward to Far Cry 4


    agreed FC4 looks like great fun, enjoyed FC3 :)


    I have liked all the Far Cry series so far so looking forward to it :)

  3. Downloaded CoD AW for my PC, it's ok but nothing special so far and kind of feels clunky compared to Destiny...


    Visually cod:AW is a huge setup from previous cod games, still some very dodgy textures and lighting, yes still the same tired format, for once i'd like to finish a stage still standing and not under some rubble or trapped or missing a limb etc , gotta be one of the worst endings ever :yawn:


    Yeah agreed looks quite pretty but not much else really, looking forward to Far Cry 4

  4. Religion & Politics, two things I don't do, never been to Church to pray and never voted and that will never change.


    But you're a Zed supreme being - so you've transcended all of us mortals anyway....


    Only intellectually and sexually ;)

    • Like 2
  5. that's a bit weird imo... im gonna be getting married soon, but neither me of my fiancé are religious, so it'll be civil ceremony somewhere.


    where are you going to get married if you're not religious, but want a church wedding? I thought you had to a member of the parish and actually go to church to be able to get married in one?


    If your not religious why would you want a Church wedding?

    • Like 1
  6. Yes i know mpg is personal to how you drive but with a few figures hopefully we can work out a bit of an average. I'm a giant 350z fanboy but I commute 50 miles a day (around 1500 a month) and I'm terrified of investing 10k in a car only to not be able too afford to drive it.


    I commute 50 miles a day in mine also, computer tells me I average 27mpg over mostly motorway driving, with some town and B roads also - it also gets used at weekends and sees some spirited driving.


    I'll see 300 miles to a tank on a good week and that's from full until empty. It costs me approximately £65 to fill up with 99 at tesco.


    thats still got at least a quarter of a tank in... 27mpg will easily do 400 miles, its an 80 litre tank!


    So I was led to believe, but absolutely no chance!


    It's a UK model too.


    are you going by what the fuel gauge and distance to empty says? mine is chronically unreliable, starts screaming bloody murder at me to put some petrol in when its still got 20 litres in the tank.


    Trust me, £65 is only what, 51 litres? you've still got 29 litres in the tank my friend.


    Very true, I think the most I ever squeezed in my tank was 72ltrs and the DTE had been flashing --- for many miles!!

  7. Nothing wrong with tapatalk, you guys obviously have issues with technology...


    Yes, with tapatalk "technology". It's a poor man's ceefax :lol:


    How is linking all your forums together in a stream ceefax related :lol:


    Fair enough if you don't like it but you can't say it is rubbish because it isn't, it works very well apart from a couple of hiccups when updates were released, but I am a beta tester now so only myself to blame :blush:

    I can't say I've had an issue with Taptalk yet (maybe once in a blue moon where it wont update) but for functionality it works fine.

    I only have this forum on it.


    Granted web browser is easier to navigate around with a mouse, but Taptalk works just fine.


    Yeah on iPhone & iPad tapatalk is superb, so easy to upload pictures no need for photo bucket or any of that just grab it straight from your library :)



  8. When I did my Religious Education exams (compulsory) I just made origami animals for an hour...


    Religion means zero to me, I don't believe in an afterlife but when I married a strict Roman Catholic I had my 2 children baptised and confirmed because that was the beliefs of their Mother's family. They also both went to RC schools and seem to have turned out ok so far, although neither are in any way religious now either.


    Do any of the Atheists on here refuse to take their religious bank holidays off at Easter & Christmas?


    Nope. The fact that I don't believe in the existence of god doesn't mean it's wrong to take holidays to which everyone is entitled to, not just people of certain religions. Similarly, I can't imagine going to work tomorrow and telling my Muslim team member that she has to work over Christmas and that she can't come to the office party :)


    I've heard people in the past having a jab at atheists for having time off at Christmas and joining in the festivities, but it's an incredibly simplistic and naive argument. Every single person in the world could be accused of hypocrisy in many different ways e.g. care about the environment? - Don't have kids or drive a nice car then; feel bad for the poor in Africa - give away all your money and possessions to help them then.....etc ad infinitum.


    When I take time off at Christmas, eat nice food, drink too much and spend time with people I care about I'm not celebrating the birth of Jesus, I'm just choosing to have a good time that coincides with a lot of other people doing the same thing, some of whom are religious and some of whom aren't. :) What I certainly wouldn't do is slag off people who were choosing to celebrate the religious aspects of it - my problem is with religion in general, not people of faith.


    I asked the question that's all, I personally despise the commercialism of Christmas, it is about as far away from a religious celebration as you can get :lol:


    I treat people as people not on colour, race, religion or anything else, there are bigots of all types around, doesn't matter if you believe in an afterlife, life is too short for hatred :)


    I know you did mate - I didn't think you were making a point. :)


    Yeah it wasn't as much a reply to you fella as making myself clear, I just stoking the fire as you know :lol:


    How many non religious types get married in Church? How hypocritical is that? I don't believe in Christ or Jesus etc but I will have a nice big white wedding in a Church with hymns about being a good Christian :wacko:

    • Like 1
  9. It's a bit like saying that you'll go to work on a bank holiday because you don't work in a bank. Of course you wouldn't, common sense prevails.


    Millions of people work on Bank Holidays, personally I prefer my time off when everyone else is working, that way I can shop or go where I want without the masses...



  10. Unless you are fitting racing slick tyres to your car then no need to inform of 'performance' tyres, same with discs and pads as long as they are designed for road use. Aerial & badges I think we can take as not necessary it is basically anything that adds value or performance, I am sure the insurers like Tim can help if anyone is not sure :)

  11. Nothing wrong with tapatalk, you guys obviously have issues with technology...


    Yes, with tapatalk "technology". It's a poor man's ceefax :lol:


    How is linking all your forums together in a stream ceefax related :lol:


    Fair enough if you don't like it but you can't say it is rubbish because it isn't, it works very well apart from a couple of hiccups when updates were released, but I am a beta tester now so only myself to blame :blush:

    • Like 1
  12. Just to raise some 'argument' when Mary worked at the prison she had to do all sorts of extra work to accommodate prisoners different beliefs and customs etc which was fair enough, but when she asked to be allowed to go to midnight mass when working Xmas eve she was told no chance...


    When my daughter was due to go to secondary school we applied for the local RC school very close by. So in catchment area, daughter baptised, confirmed and a very regular church goer with her mother & grandparents. She didn't get in, so I went for a meeting with the local priest & nuns, they told me it was because I wasn't a regular church goer!!! I went biblical at them (sic) what did it matter what my religion was they were teaching my daughter not me! All the other parents had gone to church together for a few weeks so the priest got to know them, but I wasn't a hypocrite, they did let her in eventually after a fight :lol:

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