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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. F-Type for me too.


    As far as your grand daughter she will be inundated with gifts I'm sure so how about a gift of grandparents time. Maybe a day out at the zoo? It's a completely different day out over winter and can be a great day out.


    That way you and her have a great gift and more importantly memories last a lot longer than toys


    Just an alternative suggestion :)


    Great idea, and then a cuddly toy of her favourite animal at the Zoo shop 😊

  2. Very nice. I bet that munches the miles and can now belt other more exotic cars in the chops in the process!!


    Tint looks really good + roof rap looks the muts nuts :thumbs:


    Thanks mate :)


    Not had the chance sadly, will be stalking the zed guys on the next meet :teeth:


    My Jag kept up with some Zeds in Wales... in a straight line anyway :lol:

    • Like 1
  3. 450 ft.lbs?...oofff bet that feels good!


    Goes from 60 to 100 in about 6 seconds :teeth:


    I know that feeling, I have over 500 lbs/ft :cloud9:


    Overtaking makes you giggle :lol: engage diesel warp drive, drop a gear or 2 with the paddle and :yahoo:

    • Like 1
  4. Like the idea of the buddy club, but worried about the drone.


    In 6th between 60 - 80 does it drone?


    Is the drone only between certain rpm?


    Only time it doesn't drone is at 0rpm :lol:


    Think I will give that a miss then. Thanks for the heads up. I like a loud deep sound but not at motorway speeds. Would drive me nuts!


    It would be a fantastic exhaust for a Zed just for meets and weekend blasts but no way is it an exhaust for a daily drive.


    No doubt someone will now say they have it in their daily and it doesn't drone and isn't noisy but there you go :shrug:

  5. Hmm my PC is a little too old to run it really, looks good but running like a dog :(

    How bad? What settings are you using? What FPS are you getting?


    I thought FPS didn't matter :p

    Just wondering how far below 30 you were dropping, and on what settings. It doesn't seem very scaleable on the PC at all.


    Options seem pretty basic, only option was 60fps so that is most likely the issue as I couldn't drop the resolution below 1280x960 either... to be honest not really a game I am desperate to play so can't be ar$ed with it if it doesn't run without any tinkering

  6. Don't submit one until the deadline and choose your favourite. Keep it simple


    Is Neil on the calendar photo choosing team? Cars without stickers won't get his vote :stir:

    Are you still here? :p Put in a picture of ur zed and i'll get it on the calendar. Oh,.. wait.... you don't have one :p;)


    Doesn't say anywhere in the rules that it has to be a current pic taken in 2014 ;)

  7. Well decided to an Xbone to go with my PS4. Got be honest and say I've had more fun with Forza Horizon 2 this afternoon than anything on the PS4 so far. And I not even touched the Halo collection yet.... :)


    Yep the PS4 is crying out for a decent driving game :(


    Get an Xbone SMD if you like driving games - Forza Horizon 2 is really really good. I like my PS4 but to be honest I've not massively enjoyed anything on it so far - will probably hang on to it and may well get GTAV on that system for the best visuals, but I'm glad I've got both systems now - no need to miss out on exclusives. And since the Halo games are some of my all time favourites games I think the Xbox is gonna be getting a lot of use.


    If my Fanatec Forza wheel was compatible then I would but sadly not so driving games will be on my PC only :dry:



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