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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. PS+ is much better than XBL for free games, but XBL is much more robust for online gaming. Horses for courses, no right/wrong answer as to which is 'better'. :)


    Depends what you define as robust, yes there were 2 issues where updates caused problems but I have never lost a connection when logged in and gaming :shrug:



  2. Quite the opposite for me. Apart from improving the looks, the car feels more planted and I feel I can trust it more to hold on through the bends :)


    Exactly what I found too, in fact when the spacers were taken off I found the car very twitchy

    • Like 2
  3. I am sure you could get it fixed but the way TV tech is going it would almost certainly be cheaper or at least not that much more expensive to just replace or upgrade unfortunately....


    Or just take out some electrical equipment insurance, wait a month or so and then stick a claim in *



    * This is of course fraud and is not endorsed by the forum or any of its members, but it is still an option :lol:

    • Like 1
  4. Rent a garage from someone? aka C, failing that D.


    Or just accept it's an old Nissan and leave it on the street.


    Was going to say the same thing, stop being so precious and accept it is a 10 year old car worth a few grand, park it in the best place you can and forget about it, much more important things to worry about in life imo

    A few Grand may not seem a lot to you, but it definitely is for me, worked hard to get my car, and even harder to get it back on the road. Had it been a bog standard Zed, then yeah I wouldn't be bothered as much where it was parked, But it's not, it can easily attract the wrong attention down this road, so I'd like to do what I can to look after the car.


    Wasn't meant as an insult Matt you should know that, I just meant stop worrying about what might happen and enjoy getting the car back.


    What do you mean by attracting the wrong attention? When I have lived in areas I thought were rough and worried about my car I found there was usually quite a bit of respect for cars like Zeds or Supras etc as they are affordable performance cars rather than Porches etc :shrug:

    Yeah my bad with that one, I know what you mean.


    It's funny, with the attention, there's been reports of keyings, mainly from residents doing it :lol: Because people park in spaces outside there houses (Public road, they can) So they don't have to pay to park to go on the train. So residents get snobby about cars left there all day, thus mine would be left there all day too :/


    Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to get back on the road, as a lot of things wont matter when I'm back in my car, I guess this was just a thread to see what other people have done to with regards to 3rd party storage


    Sounds like they just don't like commuters parking there all day while at work, if they see you and your car regularly and know you are a resident then I doubt yours would get any attention like that would it? :shrug:


    Obviously not ideal parking any car on the street especially a cherished one but there are many members on here that don't have an option, I wouldn't get too hung up on it to be honest, you could pay for a garage or parking spot and then get the car keyed while parked up when you are out and about...

  5. Halfords quoted £204 for air and oil filter and oil and 6 new plugs and check over plus MOT, not sure if this is a good price or not as not got round to others yet.

    Regards Keith


    It may be a good price but I personally wouldn't take a decent car to Halfords for any sort of mechanical work, there must be a good Indy near you if you don't want to pay dealer prices. If you post up your general area someone will suggest somewhere good I am sure :thumbs:

  6. Did he by any chance have a dodgy combover haircut, a collection of Nike running shoes despite not running in them and a wear cloth shorts even in the winter??


    They are the type around my area I know that don't appreciate cars.


    I don't know him in real life. He just goes on the same forum as me. He's Scottish and I am guessing from your name that you might be too? If so maybe you know him? Ha ha :lol:


    A lot of horsey types are anti cars, especially sporty loud ones, not stereotyping as you certainly love both ;)

  7. Thanks Dave and Chris, I didn't even know what "time machine" was till now. Why didn't they just call it "BACKUP" instead of calling it after Back to the Future!!


    Fecking mac twollop!!


    I'll take it to work, someone is bound to help out, esp one of the techy guys.


    Thing is I have a spare 1tb drive that I bought and was going to take all important things off. The pics are part way through being transfered from my 500g to the 1tb.


    Hate computers lol


    What did you think Time Machine was, a portable Mac Tardis :lol:


    Anyone with a modicum of tech savvy will be able to retrieve anything you want and re-install the OSX.

  8. Rent a garage from someone? aka C, failing that D.


    Or just accept it's an old Nissan and leave it on the street.


    Was going to say the same thing, stop being so precious and accept it is a 10 year old car worth a few grand, park it in the best place you can and forget about it, much more important things to worry about in life imo

    A few Grand may not seem a lot to you, but it definitely is for me, worked hard to get my car, and even harder to get it back on the road. Had it been a bog standard Zed, then yeah I wouldn't be bothered as much where it was parked, But it's not, it can easily attract the wrong attention down this road, so I'd like to do what I can to look after the car.


    Wasn't meant as an insult Matt you should know that, I just meant stop worrying about what might happen and enjoy getting the car back.


    What do you mean by attracting the wrong attention? When I have lived in areas I thought were rough and worried about my car I found there was usually quite a bit of respect for cars like Zeds or Supras etc as they are affordable performance cars rather than Porches etc :shrug:

  9. Nope, you are not allowed one of each. It's against the rules and my decision is final :lol:


    Damn!!! I think it really depends on the car. For me it's purely based on the feel good factor, power isn't as relevant when you're in 0-60 under 6/7 seconds as at the end of the day it is irrelevant on the road


    Very very true, as you say in real world driving, not driving like a total knob there is not much point in having silly amounts of power.


    My next Jaaaag will hopefully have 500bhp+ but I doubt very much I will drive it any faster than my current one :blush:

    • Like 1
  10. Oh Ian, a lesson learned I think, get a wireless hard drive and use Time Machine as any electronic device, PC, Mac, tablet etc etc can fail like this....


    I personally would do nothing if you can, if I was closer I would swap the HD (if possible) or set it up to boot from an external drive, then hopefully we could get all the data off the drive in your machine. Most decent places, even God forbid the dreaded PCWorld should be able to retrieve everything mate so don't fret if there is anything you really don't want to loose.


    But please please from now on back up to Time Machine in some way even cloud and don't store pictures or files you don't want to loose on the same drive as your OS ;)


    Edit - above advice very good, maybe Ady can help with another device and thunderbolt cable? He has all the tech know how and is closer to you than any of the rest of us :shrug:

  11. Rent a garage from someone? aka C, failing that D.


    Or just accept it's an old Nissan and leave it on the street.


    Was going to say the same thing, stop being so precious and accept it is a 10 year old car worth a few grand, park it in the best place you can and forget about it, much more important things to worry about in life imo

  12. I got Pro Evo for PS4 and absolutely love it, yeah it's not as pretty as FIFA and they don't have the licenses for player names and kits like FIFA but for gameplay and involvement it wipes the floor with FIFA. I have had the last 2 FIFA games because Pro Evo lost its way a bit and always felt like I wasn't fully in control of the game whereas Pro Evo you can control players runs etc and scoring a goal is a very satisfying feeling rather than just learning the easy ways to score in FIFA and doing the same thing over and over again

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