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Everything posted by spursmaddave

  1. Unfortunately REO40s are not the best rated tyres for a Zed
  2. If it doesn't slip then I wouldn't get concerned, always bad when cold 1st > 2nd. Not guaranteed but I fitted a grounding kit and it smoothed out the vibration at idle
  3. Try Keyser I am fairly sure he made one for Buster
  4. Sounds fairly normal to me but certainly wouldn't hurt to change the oil and add some molyslip
  5. CS will sort you out.... Good luck with resisting all the shiny things
  6. £450 for labout is a bit steep and not really worth the stamp given the other gaps, have a search for a decent indy garage even if you have to travel a bit it will be worth it I recon
  7. Dunno about the rattling could be exhaust/caf related plenty of bits to rust and get rattly... Where are you roughly, we could recommend someone local who could take a look
  8. £5.5k for a 2004 on 80k is about right, there will always be someone that has had a better deal doesn't mean that is the market benchmark
  9. Agreed on both counts! Seriously, with car jacking these days, stopping because someone in an unmarked car wants you to, and even if they 'appear' to be wearing a police uniform, is that wise? With no other audible or visual signs that it is police that is risky and if the situation left me with no option I would stay in the car with doors locked and windows shut and have the phone primed to ring 999 on speaker if necessary. Might sound a bit drastic but remember we drive in cars that (so called) joy riders would love to get their hands on if they could. I would only stop if I saw blue lights personally, as in the link if someone was 'chasing' you or trying to force you off the road then drive to a heavily populated place
  10. Would that not be where you were charging it from OTG is not great anyway you need an explorer type app to even access it....
  11. Only stud near my Zed is the one driving it
  12. Yeah but on an incline the CC is pulling to keep you at your set 70, if you are using your foot you can be aware and build up speed slowly before the incline and ease off going up it I don't worry now but when I had to watch the pennies I could always get better mpg with my right foot that with any CC
  13. If it had USB or an SD slot I would have one already
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