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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. OOOOhhhhhhh can I bring Pete, Snout and George :) but not for dinner!!!


    They can meet the mahoosive rabbit that lives with the chickens :lol:


    If you bring the Smartie then you have to park next to the Jag, photo opportunity ;)

    • Like 1
  2. I've ''lost'' a week in the bodyshop so i doubt i will have the Z back.


    So, as long as my flight lands on time, i'll drop the missus home and i'll pop down in the TT instead.


    Is anyone thats going have a SC or Turbo setup? I would love to volunteer myself to be taken for a spin arond the block, and to probe you with endless annoying questions about 'living with it'





    A TT!!! Its a disgrace!!!!!!!!!!! :scare:


    There will be a Jag and a Merc there and most likely some other motors too :D


    & probably an Audi :surrender:



    Pritchard: If we ask Octet nicely he might let me take you for a spin in his car :drive1

    Last time Darren took me out in his s/c zed he took me down a small over grown pot holed lane and ended up behind a tractor if I recall :lol:


    Probably best person to take you out for a spin though ;)


    When Darren took me over Devil's Bridge in his S/C 350 I got a semi :blush:

  3. As indicated by Paddy78 and Ekona. You can use 95 RON petrol in the 370Z seemingly without any evidenced negative mechanical impact to the engine.


    However; why one would not want to gain the performance or efficiency benefits from using the higher 98/99 octane fuels in a big engined Sports / GT car, I'm not sure.


    In reality its not going to do the 370Z engine any harm as far as I'm aware, but also its only money, so why not spunk it on the super-duper fuel and get the benefits anyway :)


    I guess if you are using your 370 as a daily and doing a commuter run then 95 might make sense if you never get the chance to put your foot down, but then the weekend might come and you still have 1/4 tank left :doh:


    I think at the end of the day if you buy a 370z then you should have budgeted for 98 ron fuel, decent tyres, proper servicing etc etc etc

    • Like 2

    1) AmyZed

    2) Grundy

    3) Dunks

    4) DDay

    5) Blaqkaudio

    6) Pritchard

    7) kite 350

    8) Ogman

    9) octet

    10) Gumpy000

    11) glrnet

    12) MadMarky

    13) Will370z

    14) Buster + mrs Buster

    15) willetts 118

    16) Andy James + greedy girl

    17) Paddy78 +1

    19) SMD (but I won't be taking a Zed place on the stand, just don't want to miss a close meet with lots of mates there!)

    • Like 1
  5. I've ''lost'' a week in the bodyshop so i doubt i will have the Z back.


    So, as long as my flight lands on time, i'll drop the missus home and i'll pop down in the TT instead.


    Is anyone thats going have a SC or Turbo setup? I would love to volunteer myself to be taken for a spin arond the block, and to probe you with endless annoying questions about 'living with it'





    A TT!!! Its a disgrace!!!!!!!!!!! :scare:


    There will be a Jag and a Merc there and most likely some other motors too :D

    • Like 1
  6. You must remember buying parts to just bolt on is one thing, actually customising is a totally different one, if the owners like THERE cars, then who are you, or anybody else to criticise people who spend There money Not yours,

    Don't get me wrong there's some cars on here I don't like but there not mine so it doesn't matter to me :thumbs:


    * their ;)


    But totally agree :)


    Nothing like HIGHLIGHTING your poor grammar :lol:

  7. Still running it in at the mo, but the grip is insane and I thought the 370 with the MPSS on was good, but this is another league and on Continentals of some description.


    Might take me 12 months to understand all the info you can access though but can't wait to test out the launch control...and no limit on the number of times you can use it - apart from the hit on the wallet for new tyres :lol: . Oh the car won't let you if the oil, water and gearbox fluid are not up to temp.


    Taking a bit to get use to the headlight and wiper controls on a single stalk and with the cruise control on another stalk just underneath as well as flicking the downshift paddle - all on the left hand side and then there is the control for the Comand on the tunnel so my left hand is still kept very busy even though there is no gearlever :wacko:


    But I like a challenge and the :D 's are well and truly back.


    Colin just put wipers & lights on auto and forget about them ;)

    • Like 1
  8. Forget all that Dave, just been out in it and WOW! Don't know that Joy and June were over impressed though!! Lol



    Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear


    Don't doubt it, awesome car, but I still don't like the stuck on iPad look :p

    • Like 1
  9. Only thing I don't like too much on the new Mercs is the info centre, looks like an iPad stuck on with Velcro, bit out of place... I'm sure I could put up with it in such an obviously fantastic car though ;)

    • Like 1
  10. Darren, just let me know if you want my signature on your 240z block :lol:


    you loosin' it Graham ?

    No, he'll know what I mean when he reads this.


    I know what you mean Papa and I am hardly ever on here :surrender:

  11. Looks lovely Colin, looking forward to seeing it in the flesh. And rather than you trying to keep up with the zeds i think the challenge will be for us to keep up with you.


    Now we just need a fun roadtrip to test her out


    Our road trips are going to be a nice array of different cars, I think we should all throw our keys in a fruit bowl everytime we stop to allow us to sample each others wares...


    This could be if it's a boys weekend or partners :group:

    • Like 1
  12. This must be by far the most useless thread replies I have ever had.


    i had to double check my opening post to make sure i didnt start it with ''which induction kit is the best for power'' or ''do racing stripes make my car go faster?''



    unsubscribing :(



  13. Just copied and pasted this as I completely agree -


    All it takes for Evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing, we have seen this happen over the years - the silent majority do nothing. Nazis in Germany - the vast majority of Germans did not agree with Hitler but they stayed silent and the evil grew and grew until it could not be stopped. The same happened with Stalin in Russia where the majority off Russian did not agree with Staling but stayed silent in the early days when it could have been stopped. Remember Cambodia and Pol Pot, similar scenario when majority did not agree with him but turned a blind eye in the early days until it was too late. History is littered with examples of this. These extremists are doing this in the name of Islam ( fact) so I would suggest the silent majority of Muslims show that this is not in their name. The Silence is deafening.

    • Like 3
  14. On a slight tangent, but related to yesterday's attacks:



    How come we are so full of backing to media like Charlie Hebdo, where everyone without question is backing their right to freedom of the press despite the fact they knew it would upset Muslims, and yet the interweb buzzword of the last year is troll? What exactly is the difference between a magazine setting out specifically to do something they KNOW will insult people, and random chav tweeting minor celeb that he thinks shes a dumb slut?


    To me, this is exactly the kind of hypocrisy that these terrorists are sick and tired of. Now, I'm of the opinion of sticks and stones, but even I can see that we cannot preach freedom on one hand but strike it down with the other.


    I'm not saying that the attacks were right, rather than everyone should be a little more tolerant of mocking.


    They wanted to cause outrage and get attention, and they got it

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