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Everything posted by spursmaddave

  1. If I meet any Welsh people that insist on talking foreign I will use the tried and tested Englishman abroad tactic of saying the same thing slightly slower and slightly louder over and over again until I am understood
  2. You obviously haven't met me in real life and definitely need some new glasses! +1
  3. Having watched it they look more professional than some
  4. But then he doesn't have a woman or kids Perhaps he would if he spent some of his watch fund on taking ladies out for drinks etc. But then how would he impress them
  5. I couldn't send a reference either so I just PMed Papa with my PayPal email and reference number Let's hope he doesn't do an Arthur Fowler with all this wonga
  6. But then he doesn't have a woman or kids
  7. Looks right but you will need the correct patch cable also I am sure a few people have fitted these so someone can give you the exact info... Try here though - http://incartec.co.uk/Manufacturer/Model/Brand/Device/Radio/Browser.aspx Everything you need
  8. Oh and I refer the honorable gentleman to the 4th post on the thread..... indeed
  9. Speak for yourself, I may be bald but I have plenty of chest hair
  10. If I had the inclination and the money to spend £5k on a watch I would be driving something significantly nicer than a Datsun!
  11. I think you should all just get a set of car top trumps, measure your manhoods and then we will have the definitive answer
  12. Have a good weekend guys, don't do anything I wouldn't do....
  13. Last night my boss said he is thinking of getting the newer 350z with the different shaped front lights, He has the forum address now so
  14. Looking good Hope you find the rest of the dead hobo before it starts to smell too bad
  15. The OEM Bose amps are enormous and require a lot of power.....
  16. A lot of people think a 370 is just a newer 350 let alone knowing an HR is different to a DE
  17. Surely its more open if you post in the thread then follow with a PM confirming Otherwise nobody knows what is going on which in turn causes arguments
  18. Still get them to put it in writing!
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