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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. But I like the R35, I only despise the first generation 370z nismo :lol:


    Adrian is it really necessary for you to keep saying this? We all have cars we don't like but it seems a bit weird how many times you feel the need to slag off the Nismo. Your car isn't to my taste at all but you don't see me popping up on your build thread periodically slagging it off. We all have opinions but it's getting a bit tiresome now and feels like you're trying to goad people. The trouble is if those of us who love our Nismos start arguing back the mods will rightly tell us to pack it in, so how about you just enjoy your car without feeling the need to have a go at other peoples?


    And my apologies to the OP for going off topic. My last word on the subject.


    don't take it so personally then :shrug: as long as you love your car than what does it matter what Adrian or others think of it? The fact you have to mention it just makes it look like it hits a nerve and you do secretly agree with Adrian :lol:


    I don't see why expressing an opinion is wrong just because you don't agree with it :shrug:


    At least this won't go any further as you have already said your last word on the subject.... unless that is an 'Ekona' type last word :lol:

    • Like 1
  2. I hate to say it, but I genuinely chucked at a lot of tonight's episode. Even though they're just driving round a housing estate or whatever, some bits were hilarious, especiallying when Hammond 'dropped off' his patient the second time! And Clarkson in the back of his car... and may's tailgate! It's episodes like this that confirm top gear isn't even remotely about cars any more :lol:


    Plus good work to ricciardo, top man!


    Yep even though I have seen it all before I still laughed a couple of times :lol:

    • Like 1
  3. I'm employed and self-employed - if I got called - no problem with the employed side of it, but it would crucify my personal business - my clients often expect a turn around within a few days.


    How would that be seen by the courts ?


    They might not see you at all, but hopefully they would get a box for you to stand on :)

    • Like 4
  4. "It is of course illegal to hold a phone while driving. But plenty of people still do it."


    ​The Cops here if you get pulled over or stopped as part of a random check will give you a ticket if your mobile is on the front passenger seat :surrender: I know of a couple of people who were done for this in the last month.


    They cite that its a distraction being within arms length




    Surely if you phone is in your pocket it is also at arms length :p

  5. What one are you going for?


    I was thinking of this one as it's not very expensive and seems to get very good reviews.




    The Blackvue ones look great but quite pricey.


    Looks ok, I have a blackvue front & rear set up, got a good deal on it but still pricey. At the end of the day it is something you fit and then forget about until you need it so fancy ones are a little bit OTT really

    • Like 1
  6. as Payco also said - yep - just tucks in - the only trim I removed was the A pillar and that just clipped off with some gentle teasing and pulled off the door rubber seal at the head to run the cable from the rear


    You gentle teaser you :winkiss:

  7. Compare that to the number of cars stolen by thieves getting hold of car keys by house break-ins, pocket picking, in pubs etc.


    From that BBC story 370's are not mentioned and can't say I recall one being stolen without the key..... unless someone knows better?


    But yes if one were stolen without the key and driven to some hideaway for dismantling, then that would be sad, but the fact the owner still has the key(s) should not mean an issue in the the insurance being paid out. A reminder not to leave the keys loose in the car while you pop indoors for the car to warm up!


    Not sure why you felt the need to quote Romania G Man, cars are geting stolen to order for all over the world :dry:


    As I said Colin, lazy Daily Mail/UKip stereotyping which to be honest needs sorting out before it gets out of control

  8. It'll keep going until it's switched off, then it'll not start, by that time it might be in a container bound for Romania or similar.


    Surely Moderators should be above lazy racist stereotyping?


    I've reported the comment, it's not the first time...


    Not right from a member, but from a Moderator :shrug:


    When did the forum become Daily Mail / UKIP sponsored?

  9. I listen to a few, try any of Richard Herrings, if you like them and his humour there are 100's


    Also Radio 4 comedy is good if you like that sort of thing, Friday night comedy and comedy of the week. Also no such thing as a fish if you like QI

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