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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. Fair play Adrian - you're putting some substantial effort into this :teeth:


    are the family getting annoyed with you yet ie work/life balance :surrender:


    The other traders have put a bounty on his head though :lol:



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. I parked in the retail car park last Mon outside Halfrauds. The car park was almost empty


    so I parked in a space away from the few that were parked there, when I came back after no more than 15 mins.


    I found an Audi had reversed into the space next to me with a gap to my drivers door of about 6 ins,


    as their drivers door was on the other side no problem for them to get in and out.


    Waited with anger for them to return, nothing, so climbed in from my passengers door.


    Before doing so, I found a line of about 50 retail park trollies which I gleefully pushed around and parked


    next to their drivers door and put the anchor brake on so they couldn't move them..


    Hope it gave them more agro getting into their car than me. Inconsiderate to55ers. :scare: :scare: .


    Almost the exact same happened to me once but I have a mate who owns a skip hire firm so I called him and we put a skip 2" from the guys drivers door so he couldn't get in...


    Actually thinking about it, it might have been an old Jag and it might have been another mate who owns a cement mixing firm and we filled the car up with cement..... really hard to remember all the bullsh!t to be honest...



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  3. Right, so it's just a legal way of letting the live shows go ahead then.


    Let's see if the Stig appears... ;)


    Apparently the presenters have a different contract to cover the live shows, so they can go ahead but may have to be renamed that's all. Imagine all the merchandise that now can't be sold at the event or can it? :shrug:

  4. Grrr this makes me so angry, All the idiot drivers were out yesterday. Had 2 near death experiences. Hope you get it sorted soon & that karma catches up with the MF who did it.


    Lots out today too absolutely lashing down,cars were flying past me on the motorway, and I wasn't exactly hanging about either!


    Sorry Papa & even more so Gudzy, so many total idiots about...

  5. well somebody has got to hold your end up :teeth:


    If I could have joined the drives I might have been tempted to come along...


    Cant understand why you can't tag on the back....its on public roads....what's stopping you?

    We could do with a few Jags to bolster the numbers!!


    I should have done last year really, I mean at the end of the day what is there to stop anyone?

    • Like 2
  6. Obviously personal appearance and mannerisms shouldn't make any difference to a politician but can anyone hand on heart say they see Milliband as a real leader and international head of state?

    Cameron is as smarmy and smug as they come, but he does have a certain presence and doesn't look out of place with other world leaders at least...

    Anyway I won't be voting, never have done and doubt I ever will, for me it makes no difference who is in power, politics & religion are both of no interest

  7. Here's today's, just hit my inbox..


    My name is Gatan Magsino, I work with Mediterranean Bank in Malta. Can i trust you with a business worth 8.3 million USD? Please reply ONLY to my private email: tamag@rogers.com for more information.


    Gatan Magsino is a close personal friend of mine, I gave him your email after hearing about all your many famous contacts and stories of fantastic escapades...

    • Like 1
  8. All good things come to an end, and for me TG came to an end a few years back now... yes it has been entertaining but pretty much each episode of the last 2 series has been a rehash of old episodes...

    Two things are fairly sure, firstly if another channel tries to replicate TG it will be awful, secondly if the Beeb try and replace like for like it will be just as awful!

    Go back to what it was with new presenters and if there is any real banter then great, if not and it is forced then it will become The One Show (with occasional cars)

    One last thing, hopefully this scum will get what they deserve -


    Darren Laws (@01lawsda) tweeted: "May you have a very slow and painful death Oisin Tymon."


    Gonzalo Robles (@grobles17) wrote: "Clarkson should have killed you Oisin Tymon, filthy b******."


    Paul Richer (@PaulmRicher) said: "Oisin Tymon had to go to A&E !!! let's hope he visits the morgue VERY soon , a***wipe !!!" and "Tony Hall BBC director , I wonder if Oisin's and your head can stop a bullet !!! just wondering."


  9. The clip @ 0:42 reminded me of our horse and 3 pygmy goats.

    They go everywhere together and cannot be separated....just like true friends!


    Mystery leading the way, followed by Heidi, Bobby and Tinkerbell





    :lol: Mystery - fine, Heidi - nice, Bobby - cool....................but Tinkerbell :surrender:


    Hang on! You dont think I named them do you?

    The name was chosen by one of my crazy daughters Jennifairy.


    He is only jealous as that is his nickname too ;)

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  10. Clarkson was no doubt working i.e. in a hotel paid for by the Beeb getting upset about lack of food that was also no doubt paid for by the Beeb therefore any conduct can be deemed to be bringing the company into disrepute.

    If the producer involved has complained or indeed anyone else there who witnessed it then they have no option but to suspend JC and go through disciplinary action, which with his past misdemeanours could mean termination of contract.

    If course he is a massive cash cow (amongst other things) and maybe in years gone by it would have been hushed up and brushed under the carpet, but I feel this is just one too many times and although taken on its own does not merit much more than a slap on the wrist, I think it could well be goodye Top Gear.

    • Like 1
  11. I once built a SHED from scratch with just PLANKS of WOOD, then wrestled a BEAR inside it, then FOUGHT with Vladimir Putin afterwards as it was HIS fighting bear I was FIGHTING.


    I then ATE all the chillis in the WORLD and didn't have a POO for a fortnight, whilst drinking MY own wee for sustenance in a Bear GRYLLS style.




    Indeed, I am the manliest man. Goodnight.


    Ahem (cough)



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