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Everything posted by spursmaddave

  1. Who are you calling a buddy Now your talking you sexy hairy devil
  2. All good Almost always best to do things in person but these days you have to embrace things like email as most people send from their phones etc, I'm just a stickler for customer service and if I get a bad vibe I steer clear that's all...
  3. Never had an issue with it in mine apart from the odd bit of bogging down, also if you remember I went a whole winter with no TCS or ABS because of a fault.... I did do a lot of miles in my Zed in all weathers all year round, I might be a complete ***** but I do speak from experience at least
  4. Customer Service mate, how are you ever supposed to know how good they are if they don't answer the phone or reply to an email. I'm not saying they aren't a fantastic garage, but if they are too busy to answer the phone that's fine, they loose a customer.... Hopefully they are busy enough not to care. Good customer service costs absolutely nothing at the end of the day, 100 times easier to loose a customer than to gain a new one
  5. Sounds like a dodgy overtake to me then, you could have just pulled back in behind the lorry safely but then maybe your enormous manhood would have shrivelled up and dropped off At the risk of upsetting long serving members - this holier than thou doesn't help ! I've also had it that you've pulled out, power on, overtaking and you're alongside some vehicle when the TCS cuts your power - and you're already committed and alongside. This DOESN'T mean it was an ill conceived overtake - you had the room, you had the clear road, it's just that suddenly the TCS cuts your power just when you're at maximum exposure. I understand exactly how the OP feels - been there, had that happen, still got the stain in the underpants, and it's where the TCS tried to kill me, not because the overtake was ill planned Not holier than thou Ian, hence the My point was if you go into an overtake that is made risky by the TCS kicking in then maybe you should have thought about it more carefully... the TCS would only cut the power because you loose traction ie a pot hole as stated or road conditions therefore again driver error maybe, yes my Zed bogged down at times so I do know what you mean though I know you are a VERY good driver Ian, at the end of the day the Zed has a poor TCS system you have to learn to live with it, I did for 4 years and a lot of miles I just don't like the thought of people turning it off on public roads thats all, sorry if that offends anyone on here...
  6. Just very bad at picking up the phone or answering an email, I guess if they are busy they don't need the extra work...
  7. Sounds fair enough to me, if they are too busy to answer the phone or emails what other shortcuts do they take?
  8. Darren is like a kid with a new toy, hang on compared to most of us he IS a kid with a new toy
  9. As they say, the olduns are the best Exactly, and that comment was harsh on B&Q they haven't been around THAT long
  10. Apparently I am now banned from every branch in the UK. I was minding my own business in the garden section and this guy came up and asked if I wanted decking, needless to say I got the first punch in
  11. +1 It's all about the girth
  12. Unlucky mate, the joys of modding huh, sure Sly will help out if he can
  13. Sounds like a dodgy overtake to me then, you could have just pulled back in behind the lorry safely but then maybe your enormous manhood would have shrivelled up and dropped off
  14. So whats the answer then smartarse? Really useful reply that one. OP, the easiest way to turn it off entirely is to unplug the three plugs on the ABS unit on the inside of the wing next to the brake fluid reservoir. Be aware, this will also turn off your ABS though For those preaching, the TCS on the 350Z isnt all that - it comes in too early and is very clunky int he way it works, and if you really think instant death will befall anyone who dares to press the button and turn it off I hope you never have to drive a TVR Not at all but if the op does what you say and has an accident I am sure the insurer would be interested in this thread Why not turn off all the airbags and not bother with that stupid seatbelt thing too.... All I meant was turn it off on a track not on the road, if that makes me a fool then I am happy to be s fool
  15. m If you were closer I would have had a look I have a cupboard full of PSU's boards, cables you name it....
  16. He did well to make it to 70 after living through the 60's & 70's All the classics are good, but personally I love Vicious & Sunday Morning
  17. Good luck, some really good guides in the ICE section , more than a few actually using an F900bt, mine included
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