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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. What the hell is hyper-foreignism??!!

    Pronouncing foreign words wrong :S According to wiki.



    Wrongly - adverb



    Just thought of a good one!


    "According to wiki"


    Could be grouped with


    "According to FaceBook"

    "According to Twitter"

    "According to Jeremy Kyle"


    Etc etc


    I would say put Jeremy Kyle in but letting Mary watch it means I can watch my shows in peace :yahoo:



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  2. Hyper-foreignism is saying lasagne like an Italian, because if you didn't, I wouldn't understand what you were talking about :dry: The whole sentence is said with an English accent apart from the word "lasagne". Before laying the LAZAAAAAANIA on the bottom of the pan make sure that the LAZAAAAANIA is evenly spaced before pouring your cheese source over the LAZAAAAAANIA!


    Makes me chuckle when footy commentators say foreign players names in a foreign accent :lol:





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  3. On the grammar front:


    people who can't distinguish between less and fewer


    and also, most infuriating for me is when people say 'for free'! Drives me up the wall.


    The fewer said about people like that the better in my book!


    Have to say though I am not keen on people driving up walls...



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  4. I think as a commuter vehicle it would be hard to beat as long as you consider range, charging etc and the money you save can fund a nice big engine car for weekends and fun driving :)



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  5. The more I drive the thing, the more I'm convinced (and my wife) that pure EVs (battery or hydrogen) is the way forwards.


    I tend to do mainly stop/start urban driving,


    Boom, and theres the crippler. If you live in or close to a city, then youve got buses, trains, reliable taxis, you can probably even cycle to where you want to be.

    If you dont, then anything running on a battery is not going to get you to work and back, knock down the shops, drop the kids off at various parties/clubs and get you home again, and those are just the expected journeys - what if you have to visit a relative in hospital, or go pick the mother in law up from the police station?


    It also looks like the charge points are mainly in cities as well, theres one about 5 miles from me, then another about 8 and the rest are 12+ miles away, theres only 3 high speed points within the cars range from my house :lol:

    Just to add, what if you're on the M25 and they shut it due to a accident, or major traffic delays etc :S


    Deffo not for me.


    Perfect for you surely.... comes direct from the factory without an engine :stir:



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  6. ..... If folks only ever took the cheapest thing, like an Aygo, then premiums would come down.


    being a cynic ................ I doubt it


    Yeah can't see it either, just need proper control over hire costs, if someone hits your 2 seater coupe then you should really get a 2 seater coupe to tide you over, but not get a bill for almost the cost of the car for a couple of months rental!!!


    I personally like having different smaller rental cars I wouldn't usually drive, but why shouldn't I have a 5 series Beemer or CLS if my Jag is hit :shrug:



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  7. Take care with Accedent Exchange.

    You had to sign when you took the car to agree to underwright the hire cost yourself if they do not manage to get the hire cost claimed.

    Hopefully they then "sold" you an insurance policy to be claimed back also to pay for the hire cost if they claim it off you.


    I had the same, a like for like car at an inflated cost, and the other insurance company ( Swift Cover) contested the cost when the bill went in.

    It took 3 years to sort out before I walked paying nothing.


    Not surprising when you see quotes like the OPs for £15k hire costs... no wonder premiums are so high...



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  8. Yeah me too, but I can also understand that if someone has their car trashed through no fault of their own that they should be allowed something similar, just don't agree with the inflated prices :surrender:

    They should be allowed, I just don't think they should take it.

    Don't see why not if there is better regulation, after all someone with a more expensive car would be paying more insurance in the first place... maybe some kind of incentive if you downscale possibly?

    Because every time someone takes an expensive courtesy car, every single person pays for it with their premiums. If folks only ever took the cheapest thing, like an Aygo, then premiums would come down.


    Not disagreeing but if someone bumps my Jag, why should I drive an Aygo for a month or so? Like I said if my insurance was cheaper in the first place and clearly stated that all I could have is an Aygo then fair enough :)

    The system is the problem as 'costs' are claimed against the other persons insurance so people think I will have what I want, same with injury claims.


    I distinctly remember someone moaning a while back about a $hitty courtesy car, now who was that.....?



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  9. I bags the Rowing boat. :teeth:

    They look fantastic planted up, would look great, artistically displayed on my front lawn. The hole saves me building in drainage. :lol:

    Are you offering free delivery ? :lol: :lol:


    Pete is just on his way round with it :)


    Ahhh there may be a slight issue...





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  10. loads of McDonalds debris


    I must admit It really boils my p$$$ when your sat in a macdonalds car park and rubbish is deposited out the car window when a bin is never more than 10 yards away :rant:


    Your p$$$ boiling is probably is probably a side affect due to all the additives in the nuggets...



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  11. Fly Tipping in our lane and the surrounding lanes. 20 or so tyres were recently dumped in the stream close to our house to add to the 20 that were dumped last year. Other items include rubble, tree cuttings, fridges, carpets and loads of McDonalds debris, etc. More unusual items included a rowing boat (with a hole in the bottom), a cardboard box with a tortoise in it and a dead horse...One time years ago I ran my daughter to school and when I returned 15 minutes later someone had blocked my lane with a mountain of tree cuttings.




    please start a "for sale" ad if you're selling items Pete


    Dibs on the dead horse, I have a plan for the head :ninja:



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  12. Yeah me too, but I can also understand that if someone has their car trashed through no fault of their own that they should be allowed something similar, just don't agree with the inflated prices :surrender:

    They should be allowed, I just don't think they should take it.


    Don't see why not if there is better regulation, after all someone with a more expensive car would be paying more insurance in the first place... maybe some kind of incentive if you downscale possibly?



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