I feel your pain biscuit, my spelling, grammer and ahdn writing are on par with a 5 year old's. i get my girl friend to writing everything for me purely because mine is unreadable. But then i never need to write things that others need to read anyway so it's not a big problem.
I'd say me and my GF are equaly smart, although she does a LOT better academicly however if she's stuck on something i can in general figure it out, she's currently studying for a degree and working at Nissan as a project manager and corispondance type person with Japan, Holland and the US. She deffinatley knows more about the finer things in life, she's very well spoken and has excellent maners.
I'd say when it comes down to it we're very much opposites, she's good at english art and things like that but i'm good at maths and more practicle things. Geography however she is awefull with, and maths! christ! hahaha!
I earn a good amoutn but she is so much more motivated than me i can see her doing very well!