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Everything posted by elfman

  1. Deffs staged, i like how it cut out for a big section of it.
  2. If it had spacers and was lowered it wouldn't have that problem
  3. You learn by your mistakes ricey. Lets just hope they aren't to serious!
  4. Just need a swimming pool and you could have your very own tracy island
  5. PCP is kinda like hire purchase, basicly you put a deposite down on a new car agree a finaly price for the car for when it comes at the end of the deal period, pay monthly payments and at the end of the 2-3 year period you can either buy the car, give it back and take the money difference or give it back and put the money towards a new one.
  6. I looked at that to. On auto trader it had it down as 4 owners though so was unsure..
  7. I feel your pain biscuit, my spelling, grammer and ahdn writing are on par with a 5 year old's. i get my girl friend to writing everything for me purely because mine is unreadable. But then i never need to write things that others need to read anyway so it's not a big problem. I'd say me and my GF are equaly smart, although she does a LOT better academicly however if she's stuck on something i can in general figure it out, she's currently studying for a degree and working at Nissan as a project manager and corispondance type person with Japan, Holland and the US. She deffinatley knows more about the finer things in life, she's very well spoken and has excellent maners. I'd say when it comes down to it we're very much opposites, she's good at english art and things like that but i'm good at maths and more practicle things. Geography however she is awefull with, and maths! christ! hahaha! I earn a good amoutn but she is so much more motivated than me i can see her doing very well!
  8. The big mini forums are minitorque and miniunleashed. However my flatmate doesn't rate them. He uses the gp owners club and the local forum is full on minis which has members all over the country and a good northern following.
  9. my flatmate has a mini cooper JCW GP so i'll ask him!
  10. hopefully you won't be there to long toby and canada will sort it's self out! If there's any 370's you can get your hands on let me know, i'll be after one soon
  11. Brilliant photo, makes you appreciate where you are and how insignificant everyday problems are in the grand scheme of things.
  12. I remember seeing that issue of jap performance! very nice cars mate. Nice to see you're coming back to jap. Services come every 9k miles or 1 year. which ever is first and the prices depend with which service is required and where you take it. Not to many issues with the hard tops AFAIK though i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong.
  13. Christ jay she's either crazy and/or you really pi**ed her off haha!
  14. Has anyone tried just changing the cats to berk HFC's and leaving the rest of the exhaust standard? Could be interesting to hear that concoction!
  15. Think mine was £7.50 still not bad!
  16. a couple of months ago i was waiting for my mrs to finish work, so i went to look at cars, just general cars really. i was in the honda garage talking to the salesman about the new civic just for the crack and he saw me driving my 350 on the way in. after a chat he said oh we have a 370 in, so we got talking and he offered a test drive to me. he knew i wasn't really after a new car, and probably couldn't afford one but saw that i liked my cars and offered (think he was a bit bored that afternoon to like). i'm 24 and look like a 17 year old. But when you get a good salesman he doesn't judge you, he tries to help you and interest you, that is there job lets face it and for me that gets me interested and makes me want the car. My main pet peve is salesmen who don't take you seriosuly and judge you on sight presuming you can't afford the car and are after a joy ride.
  17. how about a cheap 3-4 get away as i imagine more people would be up for that with money and commitments?
  18. I'd potentially be up for this as would a few mates no doubt! Learned to board 2 years ago but haven't been abread yet so i'm a propper noob.
  19. i haven't heard the song in full yet, i've heard clips and coming from a massive muse fan i think WTF.
  20. Congratulations Doogy! don't forget us when your gone
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