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Everything posted by elfman

  1. That looks nice wouldn't put it on a car that has gt edition graphics on though.
  2. Well I started with a glass of sherry then some champers. I after that it was white wine and onto the amigos. I somehow no hangover as well
  3. Must say mine was brilliant awesome day with the in laws lots of food and drink can't beat it!
  4. haha quality. wish we could see the video.
  5. I'm surprised they didn't fix this for the 370 as well. was the first thing i did to my 350!
  6. Just watched the highlights and it was a quality game. Wish I had sky to watch it all! Hopefully this is the beginning of a strong performance!
  7. elfman

    Future zed

    I did Toby benfield in Newcastle. A mate of mine knows the owner of benfield so got a better deal that normal
  8. elfman

    Future zed

    Haha I would but I need to put some miles on it first
  9. elfman

    Future zed

    i go in pretty much every other week to look at it and make sure it's still ok and the millage hasn't changed don't worry
  10. elfman

    Future zed

    Thanks for the support guys
  11. elfman

    Future zed

    Only person to test drive it was myself. The other miles are from them taking it to a show Dave as long as your kind to her
  12. elfman

    Future zed

    Why thank you it's a Pitty every day I've go e to see it the clouds have been over. But I suppose we get that for living in the uk. Especially the north east hahaha!
  13. elfman

    Future zed

    Oh yes! I've joined the small elite of poo colours zeds I can't wait to get it!
  14. elfman

    Future zed

    So I've been looking at 370z's for a while now after selling my 350 back in march. After drooling over a demo car in the local nissan garage for months I noticed it was missing when I called in. So I asked about it and was told it will be up for sale in feb. So obviously I asked about price etc and I've got a cracking deal on it. It's a 62 plate gt edition hard top in black rose only 102 miles on the clock Pictures where taken on my iPhone so it doesn't show the colour very well. Just have to wait till feb now
  15. you just need to find a short girl haha! Chin up though mate! it'll happen when you least expect it (As everyone seems to say)
  16. Well done! I'm currently undergoing a change of career, not a big deal but it's different to the stuff i have been doing! A change is as good as a rest so they say
  17. As I said I've had a few mates that have been happy going on them. Not sure I would personally though..
  18. My girl friend was friends with one of my ex's friend's younger sisters haha! only met once or twice but had each other facebook, i tried chatter her up but failed as she was getting into a different relationship, that ended and she realized she wanted a real man, been together nearly 2 years and it's brilliant. I was single for years before that, only ever had a few relationships for a couple of months. Must admit, when i met her i was perfectly happy being single whilst when i met the crazy girls i felt i needed a relationship. Thinking you need a partner i found made you settle and go for crazy girls and kinda blinded you to reality. 2-3 of my friends have found there girl friends/ fiances and now wives online and couldn't be happier. One actually used to go on dating sites just for some fun and just happened to meet his soon to be wife!
  19. Looks awefull. If rather they went with a supercharged engine over a turbo to
  20. An lucky that mate. Hopefully they'll do a good job. Going through the TT drivers insurance I'm assuming?
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