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Everything posted by elfman

  1. Sure everyone understands that mate! take as much time as you need.
  2. When mine arrives i'll be post whoring the pics fo' sho'
  3. always good to know that if your tyre does come of it'll come back to you though
  4. cheers Matt be nice to c you guys /gals from up Barnard castle /Durham areas at our autograss racing at masham my brother runs it , won't b able to race your cars tho lol ; )) if it's in masham im guessing that's horse racing?
  5. 1. Dunker - dunker67 2. Chersterfield - C3ALL 3. M13KYF - M13KY F 4. NEO - panead 5. Holthero - Holtehero 6. rmmackfc - V8RM 7. Andy - V6 NOS 8. Ian - Ian350Z 9. P15UL T - P4UL T 10. jimbadman - JimmyB206 11. Rentech - rentech 12. neodc - neodc1 13. rtbiscuit - rtbiscuit 14. xStric9x - xburlyx 15. sake-bito - sakebito83 16. Adriank - adriankoz 17. MrLizard - Team Lizard or TeamLizard 18. IanS16 - St0pDr0pNR0ll 19. Beavis - beavis350z 20. ARphotographs - scottish rawker 21. dcash5 - dcash55 22. Dene8 - DeneE 23. BladesGrant - Grunster1980 24. srobrien - Rossco39 25. spr1ngy - Spr1ngY 26. aka350z - ak2k 27. helimeddaz - AXEMAN999 28. Shaun1982 - ZedDrifter 29. Harman350z - II Harman XD 30. Maxi-Glasgow - Maxi1969 31. Sarnie - Sarnie 32. AndWood - xxxxxWOODYxxxxx 33. Kustard - kustard 34. IanS - ZED 350 35. Marzman - KingMarz 36. lilsheepshagga_turbo - lilsheepshagga 37, Danny 350Z - DJOR1979 38. JT1703 - JST1703 39. ian.lewkowicz - Ian1007 40. Elfman - ElfmanJDM
  6. What block and delete everyone I'm already on that group && Daughter has been added Everyone!? cheers dene
  7. i use facebook for the chat function, and my friends have our own group so we can organise things, all i use it for these days tbh!
  8. No they ain't that old she looks very young for her age takes after her mum 22! and i thought i looked young for my age!
  9. if he's 4 stone and cant move at the minute i dont think he'll get to 20 tbh, i think he'll be a war criminal by teh time he's 12, he's got the look and attitude!
  10. the way i see it is, it depends what roads you drive and how you drive them, if you drive lots of b roads and love ragging the nuts of an engine then stick with the '8, get used to the handling and the need for high revving and as lexx says you will be rewarded. if your after burning people at lights with lots of torque and very good handling get the zed but the '8 will always handle better. i had a run out with one of my friends who has a '8, it handled sooo much batter than the zed but i had the power to catch up, his '8 never struggled to keep up with one the streights, get used to the power bands! i was going to get a '8 but the costs on them where a bit to much for me and they're a bit more comman than the zed, as well as the fact that i've drempt of a zed for years now
  11. +1 Kawasaki green
  12. i used your guide Rich, it was spot on fella, it was quicker for me to write a quick explanation than finding it though haha
  13. Removing them is easy, remove grommits, undo 2 bolts passenger side 3 drivers side (handle is also attached to the manual lock). putting them back in, passenger is easy just slot the metal bar in and bobs your uncle. drivers side slot the metal bit back in, and give the interior handle a tug and it'll slide all the way in much easyer, then just do up the bolts. as for locking with them off, it'll close and lock, then just canny a screwdriver with you, unlock as you normaly would, then to open the door just use your screwdriver to push the blue bit inside the door down and pull it open sorted!
  14. i thought it was illegal to drive bare footed in the uk to?! sure it's illegal to drive topless to, not in issure for the ladies though... i dont imagine anyway. bloody bugs are anoying the life out of me! i did was my windscreen for 3 days and could see a thing
  15. As per above realy, Rock/Metal, Bit of Metallica, AC/DC, Alexisonfire, Lostprophets (old stuff). Sometimes stick a bit of classic euphoria on if im taking it easy haha!
  16. Haha i may have to get one! it wouldnt have been a problem if they gave us a good size tray! i shouldnt have stuck with my "fish dunk" techinque, should have just cut it like everyone else...
  17. 3 week road trip for me, Holland, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Luxemburg, Switzerland. Go at the end of july, well and truely cannot wait!!! needless to say we're not taking the Zed, the costs would be insane haha!
  18. elfman

    Z Watch

    am i correct that if you wear it while driving it adds 50bhp?!
  19. I expect to see yours on at the next meet. I say I'd like to see it, but I'll have to keep up which I doubt Bradders You'll see it fella dont worry, even if it is just a white blurr
  20. if the reviews come back think it'll have to get purchased
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