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Everything posted by elfman

  1. i spend at least £50 a week on fuel, and i mean at least! and every quater get around £4, just upgraded to V-power card so should help, you also get the 300 point voucher thingy watsits to!
  2. I've seen Road kill that looks nicer than that. AWEFULL...
  3. How much did you spend on petrol if you dont mind me asking, i've done long car trips like this the last 2 years but always taken a diesel, would be interesting to see how much it'd be in the Zed.
  4. i get about the same as this do around 230-240 miles during the week spend £50 on petrol, i seem to average around 28mpg but i don't really hoon it to work and back but have a blast most other times
  5. Sad to see this go dene! hope it goes to a good forum member to look after it!
  6. If you drive in town, and never ever drive on twistie a-b roads i could see why you may want a cheaper car. Every car is the same if you in stand still traffic, apart from the luxery interior.
  7. As long as i dont get stung for having asthma like i do with travel insurance then i'm happy!
  8. There is a difference between text speak and poor spelling though.. but anyway! Anyone ever compared a Audi S4 and a Zed, i'd be interested to see what performance and costs come up like.
  9. Having it wrapped wouldnt decrease it, it'd be classed as a styling mod so would increase it i imagine, Insurance wise, because the car colour isnt permanently changed they dont need to know ( i think) I think the insurance company will need to be notified Yes the insurance company would indeed, dene got stopped the other day for having a rear light out and they asked why it was a diff colour after putting it through the system and he simply showed them that it had been wrapped and all was ok
  10. You've seen the french movie Taxi far to much
  11. This will most likley be a repost but hey ho! Who's getting one first?
  12. if you dont need to change discs dont, just remembar pads always bed into the disc and not the other way around, so you can change the pads os much as you like, but when you changed the disc you have to change the pads
  13. i read a walk through on changing things like the glass and back of the iphone on the internet a few months ago, after reading i decided if mine ever broke i'd buy a new one and save the above from happening
  14. i left mine open outside my office and it locked it's self... how rare
  15. Auto lock could be another JDM/UK difference then? imagine UK cars auto lock as they have the alarm installed by Nissan? i know mine auto locks.
  16. Ahhh i see your logic! I don't mind the odd ginger lass, as long as it's not like REALLY orange bright ginger..
  17. Pug 106 Rallye, They sound freakin awesome and a re very good in teh twisties, £2k should see you with an alright one to!
  18. Tez thats a very good price! i paid £10500 for mine, UK 04 reg Sunset with 38k on the clock, mine also has the full GT pack, rays heated Tanned leather seats cruise etc. I'm going to add this just because i found my old car i traded in against it on autotrader! http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p I got that for the car to! looks like they didnt get much for it at auction! haha!
  19. You can get grommets from B&Q for next to nothing, or nothing as they usualy have some lying around in the boxes
  20. I always find lots and lots of tape holds things well, be it normal cellotape or double sided!
  21. Yeah nice one Sparky!!!! That's my sister!!! I'd tap that. She looks like she wants to eat you..... Nom Nom Nom.. followed by cake! i thought "the ginger" was a ok term, she was ginger... Still think the brides maid and mother where best of the bunch, the ones jezza "took for a ride"
  22. have you tried to see if the boot is open, not sure if the door lock switch locks the boot? Might be able to fit something downt the inside of the window to hit the switch
  23. I miss the days of when TG informed you about cars, even if half of it was clarkson going on about it's flappy padels and other stuff he doesn't ahve a clue about. I agree with dene, jsut recycled rubbish these days! However, that ginger wife last night was fit....... as was her brides maid and mum!!...............
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