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Everything posted by elfman

  1. haha a lad that used to work with me used to always hate management for fiddling things, never doing things correctly, never having a back bone and using the management "lingo", now he's a management however he does do those things with a lot of passion, so we rip it out of him I hate "lets take this offline" mate, your not even online, this isnt the internet, it's flippin real life! it's basicly code for "i dont want anyone to know about what we're discussing" or "i dont know what your talking about and your going to show me up" Managment... PfffT! Congrates though ricey! Remember, you dont need to know what your talking about, as long as you use the correct words
  2. That reminded me of the xena lesbian kiss scene..........
  3. i like that, although does seem like it's a bit 911 GT' RS wonna be though
  4. I was on IMOC untill i bought my zed this time last year, i found it a friendly enough forum but no where near as good as here it's simple things like you ask a question that's been asked a million times, every other forum you'l get a reply like "use the search" and then get slated, while here it's " here's the answer, and link to supporting material" maybe followed by a use the search. It's the little things that count.
  5. I like the self service check outs but thats purely because i never really buy more than 5 items at a time so saves me about 10 minutes waiting in a queue. As someone else pointed out, i also use a few "eco" bags to top up the nectar points I find the morissons and sainsburys tills the best, why do asda *shudders* use the coin input points from a 1930's slot machine! just make it a belt like the morrisons ones it saves so much time and affort not having to put each coin in! Hate it when they shout at me for no reason though, you have to get the timing jsut right so it registers the item in the bag without shouting at you because you put it in to early or you havent put it in yet.
  6. Jessica, as she's the same colour has her hair
  7. :pmr35lee: Imagine he'll have one in as he breaks a few zeds
  8. Newer one! got mine the other week, it's amazing! sp4-7
  9. check out teh guides section mate, there's a guide to show how to change them and that gives the tention they shuld be at AC belt 8-9mm flex alt belt 3.5-4.5mm flex on new belts IIRC. did mine recently and it really is easy! Edit: guide found here matey viewtopic.php?f=35&t=16644
  10. Get your stuff of Zmanalex, way cheaper than nissan and all other place i've found, very good quality products and will be at your door before you can say supercalafregalisticaxpealidotious (sp)
  11. £80 for 400-350 mile driving!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you converted it to a diesel or something?!?!? I'm lucky if 95 quid of fuel lasts 300odd miles! Hahaha thats taking it easy Rtbiscuit i thought about 2k's but they're to much on insurance. anyway guys i decided to stop being a p&*$y and keep the car, fitted new belts over the weekend, clutch is getting done end oif the month and got a throttle controller, eco mode for the rubbish roads and when it's wet/cold then SP4-7 when it's nice and drive :
  12. Park it outside, it's cheaper on insurance to
  13. just used this guide to change my belts supplied by ZMANALEX absolutley spot on guide! cars running much sweeter now
  14. without taking it out the top of it is around 28mm, i'll messure the inside of it when i take my boot apart tomorrow
  15. bigger they are harder they fall! Or so they tell me
  16. Sounds like you car went to a person who'll look after it, if you do anything to it dean, i'd watch your back ahahaha he knows where you live!
  17. Hahaha poor al i'm suprised he still hangs around the amount of abuse he gets
  18. I'd agree with chris, if it's a duff earth it could be stopping the parrot and thus CD player powering up.. take it out of see what the wiring is like back there bud! Dash is easy enough to take out
  19. I'm not mate, which im very very gutted about my mates couldnt go on the one i planned and then the clutch needed replacing on the zed so i'm gunna have to leave it till next year
  20. Mate thats awesome, some nice skills you got there! Nice t-shirt to, good to see another boarder around
  21. elfman

    EP Racing

    Oh bol*x I should check your section more! Could have sent it with the shipment you sent today haha!
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