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Everything posted by elfman

  1. think that's the point, people where being ironic...
  2. i found this, so much that i couldn't get them off while the car was on the drive, gunna have to get it over the pit so i have better access lol!
  3. Go via either cookbot or Alex, they're your best bets and both offer unbeatable service support the forum!
  4. you can order from that site because it's not the official pandora store bud, if you jsut after a bracelet any pandora shop will have them in stock in veriouse sizes. The GF loves pandora so we're regular visitors and they're usualy very god, but some items can take a while if you have to order them in. go to the store and as said above shop about as different places have different charms etc
  5. just seen this, i'm based in the north east bud!
  6. so you can use you mp3 player with the standard head unit. Engine noise for a week now. weathers been to nice to not have the windows down and enjoy the engine
  7. most guys use Exedy clutches on here bud, not sure what they'd be like for track use though!
  8. Yeah i've found that, ebay is only a few quid cheaper to haha!
  9. i thought this but no harm in asking ey
  10. prefer a second hand branded tbh, i've heard about teh fitment issues with the fleabay stuff
  11. As per the title, i'm after a aftermarket exhaust for a 04 UK zed, preferably something other than a K1.
  12. Not to hijack the thread but i'm also after some of these if people could PM me a price seems wasso has got a bargain hopefully
  13. I parked next to you in teh car park just off the A193 by the uni. Love the colour! got a headache off the GF saying yours is a nicer colour and cleaner
  14. Mine seems ok hahaha
  15. I want Ricey to work, then leave my office it sounds like a right good time! haha! I had to leave my office yesterday, i loved it there the guys i worked with where all spot on, no managers do what you like. Real easy going, but now i'm in a massive office learning new stuff, but hey ho it's gotta be done! one of the lads bought me a cake for leaving, even though it's the same company and i'll no doubt see them all again haha! I'f my manager was in my office i would have at least put some laxative in his coffee!
  16. sounds like a win win to me bud! the money you save on petrol you can put away and blast around even more on weekends glad to see your staying!
  17. i may be wrong but people may need more info than that. Imagine you can read up on CRB checks on the internet to.
  18. elfman


    i've been to garages where they havem't even test drove the car your trading in, for all they know, you've coasted it onto the forcourt!
  19. exactly what i'm talking about, leave a gap, leave the car in gear as neutral uses more fuel
  20. Well explained chris. Another thing i found supprising is you use more fuel in neutral so if your coming up to a junction keep it in gear and dont just coast up Most people probs knew that but still
  21. your using petrol, but not moving... kinda self explanatory imo
  22. i did a few weeks experiment to see what kinda mpg i could get out of the zed, stuck the throttle control on eco5, never went about 2-2.5k rpm rarely used over 15-20% throttle, tried to not stop at lights etc, could average 33 on back roads 30 in town and if you stik to 60mph on motorways you get gat 36 or so if your good enough. but hell it got boring after a while! ok when the weather is shocking though. saying that did 20 miles back roads the other day, not ragging it all the time and got around 25 mpg, stuck it at 70 for 40 mile of motorway and it was soon up to 31+
  23. the display shows what mode your in ECO1-5 Nor or SP1-7 And your right, it adjusts the throttle response more or less depending or setting. effects are the same on both DE engines, unsure if they're available of HR engines? Can't remember, dont see why not though.
  24. what they meant was spacafication.... i'll get my coat. What i never get is why they put screens in the back, your driving, you can't watch the t.v! Especially when they're in the back of the car! maybe it's for when some thief is stealing everything, give them something to watch while they're on? Or by the looks of the interior, someone lives in it? God knows
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