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Everything posted by elfman

  1. i knwo where he can stick it! Up his ... Only joking bud!
  2. it's just the standard black bit of plastic that goes on the bottom of your bumper bud, can see it on the car in this thread http://www.370z-uk.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=48118
  3. 31 mpg is very easy to get over a long journey even sat at 70. I used to get 33-35 when I did a mg challenge a fee months back. Throttle controller on eco5 never using more than 15-20% throttle using the engine to brake and sitting at 60 on motorways. Was bloody boring though! Alright for in the winter months but summer came and so did a few mods
  4. i bet that looks seriously good in person! is that a standard exhaust i see there? surely not Good work man! body shop must have had a ball with it!
  5. Sunset, Temper orange was brought out on the later models, it's more of a bright matte colour i believe
  6. And what about when you are out and about? Hand the control module over to a stranger? I was being sarcastic Damn internet not convaying this!
  7. Leave the key on a wall and go check It sounds like it'll make the car easier to steal rather than making it more secure, would it be worth it for the "cool" factore?
  8. Ha I was just about to post this! Garages are for tools and disused exercise machines! So true! we have a double garage, one side is converted into an office, the other has tools and the likes in! it's never seen a car in it's life!
  9. :O very nice! dam i need to get some more clay!
  10. As per title, add your wonderfull comments below! Got my scorpion exhuast off tarmac today, he got scorpion to deliver it from the factory so it was with me as soon as possible. Couldn't be happier
  11. pretty heavy underlay for what it is, that'll effect performance hahaha
  12. It's warm up here to bud so should be a good'n for you! I'm off to london back end of this weekend, fitting some new bits to the zed, the rest of the week off with be beers bbq's swimming in rivers and driving the zed
  13. Is your zed a jap import, as this would make sense? sterling being the alarm system they've fitted?
  14. i remember when Dene8 bought his zed it had a stage 2 clutch on and that was silly heavy, loud as hell to.
  15. well you deffo need a mid section now to! good work, seems like a good bodge
  16. Was doing some work down there today and spotted a private reg'd gunmetal parked up
  17. Dammit, just bought myself a scorpion system then this comes up
  18. Enjoy.. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0768216260
  19. It's no Initial D, Now thats a good movie!
  20. black vinyl below the front grille! major improvement!
  21. Ideally No more than 5-600 on a really good fitting exhaust so I can do it myself
  22. Thats exactly it ricey, i thought, hmmm sounds nice! i recently had the clutch done but though that wouldnt effect teh exhaust that much!. What exhausts would people recomend? i was thinking a DC sports one, but i've heard they're as rare as rocking horse poo these days. Dont want to spend silly money, i've looked at cheap ones like the toyo sport, and expensive ones, only i'm not after something thats just noise like the k1 though
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