There was a elderly chap who lived opposite us, he used to go out everyone morning for a drive,once got to yorkwhich is about a hour's drive away at 6 am, complained about nothing being open. But this isn't the issue, he drove everyone at around 20-30mph, these are on b roads, where people do around 40-60 as a general rule, the amount of people and times, normal drivers have come around a corner to find him going 20 mph and had to slam on the brakes to avoid going into him was unreal. He ended his life getting hit side on at a cross roads and if im correct another was killed/seriously injured because of it.
What people have to remember is it's not just the elderly persons life at risk, it's others to, you could be going down a strieght road next thing you know and elderly person has pulled out infront of you and there's nothing you can do.
A doctors physicle and kind of practicle test should be inforced at 75.