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Everything posted by elfman

  1. always one of my first port of calls Vik
  2. As per title, my gear box is giving up the chase so i'm after a Later gear box for the DE engine.
  3. i was picking up an indian takeaway the other week and a random sat outside the pub just said "f@&king nice car mate, it's stunning" I was pretty chuffed.
  4. Very nice azure with nismo kit on at Milton Keynes tesco around 11.45.
  5. Long shot with it being french, but we're all car enthusiasts so anyone going to the renault race weekend at silverstone tomorrow/sunday? Tickets where a free online giveaway so thought why not
  6. Not that i rate my photo collection at all and i havent updated it in ages but here's some from mine... P1000185 by Elfisonfire! P1000256 by Elfisonfire! P1000374 by Elfisonfire! P1000479 by Elfisonfire! P1010066 by Elfisonfire! should be able to look at the rest at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/elfisonfire/
  7. Awesome skills, makes me want to jump back on the skateboard and start bmx'ing to work
  8. azure heading north on the m1 around 6pm and a grey 370 in gateshead parked on the A167
  9. Not me but do you have a gray 370? was on my way to whitby a few weeks back and saw one coming off your round-a-bout
  10. I'm going to try and get there
  11. Although my car isn't really up to scratch for a stand i'll put my name down to get things rolling. 1. Elfman
  12. i've never ever had somone being that rude, one of my neighbours just says something whenever i'm on with teh car "you doing something else, or what you doing NOW?" but he's a good friend so you know he's only joking If somone is saying thing's like that it's jealousy. Does he even drive? Most people are jealous of anyone who owns something a bit sporty, especially men!
  13. Just looked up their site and they have absolutely nothing in Scotland. This has actually angered me now, why should we in Scotland not have the option of doing a course and not receive 3 penalty points? hmmmmmmm, why do you get free university and we dont, maybe it's trade off
  14. So who's planning the Zed snowboarding trip out then? As people have said, boots is number 1, wear them for as long as possible to make sure they're good. also as said, board depends on what riding your doing, i started last year and got some Union Force bindings, (one yellow one blue, because i'm down with the kids) and a DC Tone 154 board, which i can't fault at all so far You'll get some good bargains around this time of year, i know TSA(the snowboard asylum) aka ellis billing let to ride test boards at the indoor slopes for free, that how i got the hang and feel of different boards.
  15. There was a elderly chap who lived opposite us, he used to go out everyone morning for a drive,once got to yorkwhich is about a hour's drive away at 6 am, complained about nothing being open. But this isn't the issue, he drove everyone at around 20-30mph, these are on b roads, where people do around 40-60 as a general rule, the amount of people and times, normal drivers have come around a corner to find him going 20 mph and had to slam on the brakes to avoid going into him was unreal. He ended his life getting hit side on at a cross roads and if im correct another was killed/seriously injured because of it. What people have to remember is it's not just the elderly persons life at risk, it's others to, you could be going down a strieght road next thing you know and elderly person has pulled out infront of you and there's nothing you can do. A doctors physicle and kind of practicle test should be inforced at 75.
  16. you don't save THAT MUCH with the 5p difference tbf. yesterday i filled up £84.40, i had a 5p/ltr voucher for tesco's so did it there. That was 65 litres worth of fuel, bill at the end came out at 81.10. so for 5p/litre. on around £85 worth of fuel you save about what £3.50. It's nothing in the grand scheme of things, you'd spend more on a large coffee.
  17. www.importcarparts.co.uk have genuine nissan ones in for £30 iirc
  18. Everyone loves a bit of JEW. 1. City and colour @ the royal albert hall 2. either The streets latest album or the foo fighters. not sure tbh! I'd love to see Dream Theatre live!
  19. Not sure if it was a member but a nice Blue 370 getting a windscreen fitted today!
  20. Thats an amazing set of photo's, the fact that there is still radioactive moss gets to me. i'd love to see some full colour photo's for a contrast to the ones you've uploaded. looks truely amazing. good luck with the exhibition. I'm also a massive 28DL fan Thats a new level though.
  21. if you have gmail you can use it, that what i did, if not chuck me your emnail and i'll invite you
  22. Anyone using this at the min? Googles answer to social networking. Could be a refreshing change from Facebook
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