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Everything posted by elfman

  1. :O this could be an option, i'f i'm attending i'll be up for that If not it's booked in at Falcon on Wednesday for my knocking issue
  2. how much would a replacement be alex, and is it easy to change?
  3. Hi all, I've had the usual knocking sounds for a few months now on my front drivers suspension, changed the droplinks and compression arm bushes. but They will hopfully be getting sorted when I get time to get a chassis ear on the car. Anyway, I don’t think the next noise is related but it could be. Whne I’m doing motor way driving (in general) no and again I’ll get a kind of whering noise, kinda something is grinding a little, change direction and it’ll go, now only thing I could think that would be is the wheel bearing? Any advice? Getting a tad sick of repairing it now hahaha!
  4. i was driving along newcastle quayside the other night and a load of tourists, sounded dutch or the likes, just started taking photo's, so i gave it a bit of beans and they all started cheering. Best moment i've had so far i think!
  5. take it to a garage that has a chassis ear, this allows them to plug microphone style things to variouse parts of the suspention so you can pinpoint the location.
  6. SNOW! :O *giggles and gets snowboard ready*
  7. A bin at silverstone And my sisters house looking very angry!
  8. i'd check the clutch, gear box, no knocking from the suspention, window motors work, exhaust is ok/has been changed, clicky rear axles. all of the above issues happened as soon as i hit 60k bar the licky rear axle. touche wood it wont happen.
  9. haha i would have made a good lone club stand, could have done a dance and everything
  10. if the code is included does that mean it's been unpaired with your car's ECU as i believe that needs to be done before it can be installed into a new Zed.
  11. I noticed when I went to spend my nectar points that they're worth the same in store as everywhere else so it's a bit pointless while tescos do massive multipliers.
  12. For the past 10 months maybe longer i've been filling up at sainsburys every week at an average of about £70 a week maybe more and have been using my nectar card. I dont shop there except for the odd thing and have built up just under 1300 points, now this is only worth around £12, which given the amount i've spent i feel is awefull. So today i've signed up for a tesco's clubcard, they're opposite each other so no extra travelling and tesco's is 99 ron. so already has a advantage. I'm going to see what the rewards are like at tesco's but wondered if anyone had done a comparisant?
  13. L200's are awesome work horses, my dad has one and it's never skipped a beat. although he did have a few issues with his old one lol
  14. I'd love a house like that, reminds me a bit off the kids house in Tron 2. Just a massive garage whole side wall opens and it's just open plan minimalistic. i reackon i could buy a garage and live in it
  15. seems like a very good price. makes me shudder and how much i've lost in a year and a half!
  16. looks like he got out and thought "meh it'll polish out"
  17. elfman

    IM BACK !!

    get the Ipod hack done so you dont have to use CD's at all. my cd's stopped working so thats what i did, plus it's cheap as chips to get it installed
  18. i had one on my old mr2 but thats only because it had a very silly fibre glass front bumper on it
  19. Alex said the clutch he supplies will fit all the above boxes.
  20. when i'm at home in the country side: 4x4's who dont go on the grass, i'm there on a single track road in my sports car and a 4x4 is comnig the other way. i move over so i'm a good way onto the verge, a 4x4 how ever will NOT touch the grass! why should i be going cross F%&*ing country when you have a 4x4 you to$$er. No idea how angry that makes me. it's like there car is allergic to grass or something, here's me starddling a flippin ditch because the toff in there range rover does want to get there tyres dirty........ on the motorway: middle lane hoggers, they slow everyone down for no reason. infact i was behind an mr2 the other day, 2 way dual carrageway turns into a 3 lane motorway, it's only like this for a certain length maybe a mile or so, anyway this mr2 pulls into the new 3rd lane and sits paralell with teh cvar in the 2nd.... WTF then right at the last minute when realising it's going back into 2 lanes, puts there foot down and having to merge into heavy traffic nearly killing everyone...well done to you sir...
  21. i dont own an auto but would have thought snow mode will made the gear changes sooner/at lower revs and maybe adjust the throttle response? Should harm the engine otherwise it wouldn't be there. Starting problem sounds like it could be the battery?
  22. Good find that, i'll have to find out as i've jsut had an exedy clutch fitted to mine...
  23. latest version for the DE engine mate, it's got tripple syncro's from what i've read so it's much better!
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