when i'm at home in the country side: 4x4's who dont go on the grass, i'm there on a single track road in my sports car and a 4x4 is comnig the other way. i move over so i'm a good way onto the verge, a 4x4 how ever will NOT touch the grass! why should i be going cross F%&*ing country when you have a 4x4 you to$$er. No idea how angry that makes me. it's like there car is allergic to grass or something, here's me starddling a flippin ditch because the toff in there range rover does want to get there tyres dirty........
on the motorway: middle lane hoggers, they slow everyone down for no reason. infact i was behind an mr2 the other day, 2 way dual carrageway turns into a 3 lane motorway, it's only like this for a certain length maybe a mile or so, anyway this mr2 pulls into the new 3rd lane and sits paralell with teh cvar in the 2nd.... WTF then right at the last minute when realising it's going back into 2 lanes, puts there foot down and having to merge into heavy traffic nearly killing everyone...well done to you sir...