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Everything posted by elfman

  1. elfman

    350z vs s2000

    When we did a joint drive with the Z4 forum none of them failed to keep up thats for sure!
  2. elfman

    350z vs s2000

    For me i'd do as all have said and drive both. I've test drove a s2k and owned my zed for coming up 2 years. What i'd also look at is what type of roads you drive, my daily commute used to be twisty b roads all teh way pretty much, i had a MR2 and loved it and i have no doubt in the world that if i had a s2k i'd love it even more. Only reason i haven't had a s2k so far is insurance costs, they're silly compared to the zed for me. No i did this same commute in the zed for a year, i also enjoyed it, but it wasn't as "fun" as the roof wasn't off and you couldn't thrash the crap out of the zed as it had a bit to much torque for the road (probs gunna get slated there). However i then had a 40mile motorway cruise for my daily drive, zed was lovely, you can just put your foot down and wave goodbye to the normal drivers, if you need to get past it's no problem, easy. while in a s2k i could have been changing gear all the time (is that actually a bad thing though?) It all depends what you like. If i'm honest i'd love a sk2 i love V-tec the sound is to me. I'd love the convertableness and the nimbleness. Would i want one over my zed, tbh i'm not sure, it's a very tough one. I'd miss the looks of the zed, the room, the boot, the easyness of driving, the reputation of it (daft i know), the power and i like the way it handles, it's a good handling car just not light and nimble. If i had the choice and it was a year ago, i might have traded the zed in for a s2k as the amount i've spend repairing the zed i could have bought 3 years worth of insurance on the s2k, but then i imagine hondas will go wrong to. But then after all you've been through with the car i don't think i could trade my zed in for most things now. So i'm on the fence, get what YOU want and like the most
  3. I'll keep my eye's open and try and spot more mistakes, however i don't think i'll find any Good work on the brakes, it's a well known fact that if it's broken, modify it! Keep up the good work!
  4. I'll keep my eye's open and try and spot more mistakes, however i don't think i'll find any Good work on the brakes, it's a well known fact that if it's broken, modify it! Keep up the good work!
  5. Good Work there man! looks awesome! i have a query, looking at the pictures before you put the hubs and wheels on am i right in saying the compression arms are the wrong way around? I did the cone on my compression arm the other weeks and the bolt was coming down with the nut underneath and the split pin? Then again my memory is rubbish EDIT: ignore me, jsut looked through the brake pictures and it's been changed
  6. elfman


    So it's a UK none GT, As said, no cruise control, no leather, no bose (hard to tell from pics, but with it not having any other GT bits i'd be suprised if it did.) Standard alloys. Up to you really, it depends if you want any of the above, i dare say if you keep an eye out you'll find a nice GT for only a touch more.
  7. Not sure about the thudding But i'd say the synchro's are going in the box, you can either get them refurbed or the box changed. Had my box changed this year as 5th went and 2nd wasn't to far behind. If you go for another box get the most recent the 009 (iirc) as it has better synchro's. other than that could be the clutch? what does that feel like? after could be chattering clutch or fly due to wear?
  8. Shame mate but the main thing is everyone is ok
  9. i like to call them "wand erection" for even more lolz
  10. That's my favourite part! "everyone's falling over I should do the same!"
  11. 2011 has truly been a @*!# year for my car wise anyway, really hope 2012 goes better haha!
  12. did you use a propper press in the end? when we did it we removed the rubbed then the outer metal of the bush and viced the new bush in, simple really
  13. hahaha! only in america! looked like a game of human skittles!
  14. Ahem Burn, Good post though martin, tugs was my favourate kids t.v program
  15. +3 sarnie, i'm 24 and wouldn't think of acting like that. If i was that kid and my parents/family/girl friend saw me acting like that it'd be a very lonely existance! What ever happened to respect your elders and those in authority! Reminds me of a city and colour acoustic gig i was at recently (not much relevance i know) but two guys where drunk and being tw&ts. it's a sitting down and appreciating kinda place and half way through a song, the band stopped and asked them to leave. The band got abuse of the two drunkards and then had a few hundred angry fans to face as well as a few bouncers. We all cheer'd when they where chucked out and the gig went on. As similar to the train journey, somone may have not had a seat on that train and could have been sitting on the floor, as is done on busy trains. Imagine if you've paid and are sat on the floor and some scrote who hasn't paid is sat on that comfy seat and hasn't paid a penny, i know i'd be p£ssed off. But then "big man" did through the smack down on him, which was a bit much.
  16. you should make a video similar to the Gymkahna one with the mini scooby
  17. Nice! is the new colour scheme involving purple then
  18. She must have got really excited looking at the weight of the thing when wrapped up!! I would be quite disappointed unwrapping it and realising it's a car battery It's okay being done up to the nines and reeking of Channel No. 5, then getting to your car and finding that the battery is flat AGAIN. She really loved the prezzie and it's still doing it's job to this day! I'd be well chuffed if my mrs got me a car battery tbh! haha!
  19. I bet they're all divorced now the wives have found out!
  20. My hat isn't red and green :/ it's red and blue
  21. fairly expensive way to stop a speaker cutting out
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