After a long delay finally an update! Sorry it's a bit poor
Wow lucky i'm not clostraphobic!
After travel in a box, with no air holes all the way up north (took 2 days :O) i'm finially in the Land of the geordies!
After a wonderfull tim with Dan i'm now staying with a Chapp called Elfman, His real name if martin, though only his girlfriend actually calls him by his real name. Martin lives in Newcastle on the quayside with his Girlfriend Sophie (who kept flicking me off my travelling box when i sat on it ) and his friend ben.
Martin's girlfriend was away this weekend so on friday night we had a evening in and drank beers, it was quite fun, here's me enjoying the view
The next day martin went for a drive in his Zed, i thought the colour was very nice Possibly the best. I was a little sad as martin said he was trying to sell his zed even after spending so much on it. I could tell martin didn't really want to sell it, he said to me that no one seems interested so he'll just keep it as he doesn't want to sell it for a silly cheap price.
We only went to the seaside to have a look at a car and then came home to watch the Rugby
That evening me, ben (martin's flatmate) and martin went for fish and chips as no one could be bothered to cook. I was happy about this as we went in Bens Mini Cooper JCW GP, i thought the supercharger sounded really good.
After fish and chips martin introduced me to someone else who lives with him, his Gecko who's called Charlie. He's a good little animal (for a lizard) Martin says he's a good pet to own except whenever he gets charlie out of the cage he poo's on martin. This makes sophie Very angry!
I've had quite a fun time at martins although he's not really done much as he's always busy on evenings, Next I'm off to Squee's house, I'm really looking foward to it as she made me my T-shirt to stop me getting cold!
I'll be putting a picture of me and Zedley when i'm back home as the photo is on my camera!
Bring on the next update! (hopefully better than mine haha)
me and zedley