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Matt L

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Everything posted by Matt L

  1. Sounds pretty interesting if its what i think it is *off to google to be sure*, maybe one day ill apply for a job at a company like that .
  2. sounded nice and deep in mine, tbf it didnt last too long before i dropped it down .
  3. Thanks for all the comments , want to go out in it today but got to revise , may go for a cheeky drive later. Need to practice my reversing in it as tbh i cant tell where the end of the back is so may have to invest in some sensors i think, also need to check it fits down my drive lol.
  4. errm cant remember where mine came from tbh .
  5. well... that will certainly beat my works xmas party not that im going to ours haha. Must be amazing to work for them or any f1 team tbf, what is it you do if you dont mind me asking?
  6. i love 3rd gear tbh, but also like 50mph in 6th through a tunnel, not put my foot down in a tunnel yet as i had my dad following me .
  7. Thanks , Clarkie.. we'll be able to have a joint shoot when your ready for it still (obviously once weather clears up and all that jazz). also could someone let me know if im doing somethign wrong but when you clean your windows... pull back on the stalk just sprays water doesnt make the window wipers move so have to put the wipers on then wash, is that right or am i doing something wrong?
  8. Just got back home from my trip up to hull to see dt350 (iirc) dan whos car i bought and all i can say is WOW :D:D however did notice 2 major drawbacks on my journey home ..... the noise of starting it up and foot down will never ever ever ever get old . I have stalled it twice and still cant master pulling away smoothly also managed to get stuck on some ice on a services until i thought ahhh... reverse then hit no problems . also been to 2 petrol stations already that may get a bit annoying but hey ho i cant stop smiling . pics will be done once its been cleaned so could take a while with the weather as it is, next mission is to see if it fits down the drive Matt
  9. congrats now take care and enjoy it its still xmas eve for me
  10. good luck im hoping to fetch mine tomorrow but mines stuck where the majority of snow hit so unsure whats happening yet
  11. Matt L

    My New Car!!!

    that is stunning and sooo far past being cool you cant even see the line you crossed *wants*
  12. Iv just taken out an admiral quote originally 650ish for a 350 dropped to 579 once i upped the voulentry (sp) excess.
  13. Left edinburgh this morning about 9.30 and took about 2 hours to travel about 2 miles (mainly because i was following my dad and his car just wouldnt get going at all up some hills (leon fr) so i was just sat behind him and getting out to help push when he got stuck, got back in mine pulled off no drama not even a slight slip of the wheels then had to circle 2 roundabouts for about 40mins while we waited for my mum and her friends to walk back up to meet us as once we started moving after them pushing dad we ddidnt stop till we were on level ground would of parked up but police told us to just keep moving) then once we got out so far of edinburgh center everything cleared up was plain sailing up until i couldnt see a dam thing through my window because of all the s**t being sprayed off the roads and window washers being frozen up which happened 3 times made for some interesting driving anyway. also pulling off an icey hard shoulder isnt the most fun in the world either now we've had snow i want it to go away especially for next weekend!
  14. got about 50-60mins in and went to press pause but clicked back to the start so needed to buffer all the way through again which means i havent watched past the start of the atom section yet.
  15. I've got morrisons fuel saver card thing, shell one and now a nectar card . morrisons was probably best one got £5 off food voucher (which i gave to mum and always came out with £10 bonus ) as for shell, got one later after about a year (suppose i didnt really use it much) but now i have stopped using it as my car never ran right when using their fuel. but now im using a nectar card to gain points for when i need them.
  16. edit - woopsie, can ignore the link as it no longer works, forgetting youd cancelled your hosting ftl http://www.mattlindop-photography.com is mine however one fudimental (sp) floor with it it doesnt show pictures and hasnt done since it was set up was going to be revamped which if i could find the message with teh link to it i would post that link to. iv started relying on a facebook specific page tbh as i never got a great deal of traffic to the site when it was on its original design (which showed pics). may get round to fixing it one day but for now it can stay in the depths of the interweb.
  17. that will tie in with another shot i want to do but with a friend . must remember to catch up with this, hopefully get a bit of time tonight after a shoot.
  18. Totally agree there are hardly any milltek vids on YouTube. I will see if I can take some this weekend in the daylight but best hear one in the flesh i will be on thursday which tbh im EPICLY excited about atm.
  19. totally depends what mood im in. to and from work lately seems to be radio 2 :| you wouldnt of thought i was 22 . but my music taste varys loads, if im going for a proper drive (not that i do it much as im too scared in the ibiza) then its normally stuff like this 300 Violins remix. or Linkin park - Papercut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04jE4eUKfYU
  20. Need some vids tbh, sick of watching the same 2 on youtube
  21. spotted one not looking very healthy yesterday on the a34 heading towards a500, just wandering if it was someone off here doubt it but never know.
  22. Depends on budget and application as mentioned above, eg 10-20 is good if you want wide lanscape type shots but you would need something 300+ to get wildlife shots, and a macro if you wanted close up shots. be able to better recommend a lens if you let us know your budget and what you want to take .
  23. that cant have seriously happened he must be pretty dam stupid if it did .
  24. Just added one to the first post which was one from attack in the first reply . hmm 'smack my bitch up' i can see danbo carrying on his traits from the last picture
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