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Everything posted by Venom350

  1. Just out of interest where did you get your kit from please? Also are they know more as N1/2/3 or V1/2/3/ kits please as I dont know what is my best option to search for other than both reuslts which chuck up all kinds of naff unrelated bits and bobbs? Another question is I would really like to go for a Version 3 Nismo kit but will settle for a Nismo V2 kit. But everywhere I look I cant seem to find anywhere or anything about the V3 or at least anything within the UK? Was the V3 Nismo kit ever produced or was it just a concept design that was never put into production?
  2. Thanks for the advice people. I must admit that Nurrish's system dose look good an seeing that it can be hidden away in the cubby and looks OEM is a big selling point in my eyes. I use to have a Tom Tom in my old car and had it hard wired in the dash but the only problem was the holder was always plugged on the screen.
  3. What are peoples Views on Birdviews please are they any good and what seems to be the problem with them for people to want to swap to Nurrish's system install? Also as on Nurrish's satnav there is a cover to go over it. Is there a cover fitted to the OEM satnavs installed in the ZEDs too? (sorry to ask but looking to get a 313 ZED and sat nav is something I'm looking at getting when looking for a car).
  4. Haha Thanks I'm having a good search as we speak. Are there any aftermarket bonnets with the bulge like a carbon fibre mock-up or something along those lines? Something that looks standard, not into these vents and things like that, Like to keep it looking std.
  5. Thankyou for all your help, Its nice to find a Forum that is helpful and welcoming. I will keep an eye out in the sales section as I know from the past buying 'in house' is the way forward. Least you know its been looked after and not been owned by anyone who may have not looked after the car. Soon I hope and I will have my own ZED!!
  6. Thankyou for the help and advice, I've been on many forums in the past and know it can get quite annoying when new people dont use the search option thats why its always my first place to start. Well to kick things off, I've been looking at ZEDs for sometime now and now think its time to go for one!! I'm in the market for either a 296 or 313 version of ZED. Just trying to get my head around what year of car has what and how to tall them apart. As I've come across some adds claiming to be a 313 but the bonnet is of an early ZED. Is there anyway that on the changover some very early 313s had the early bonnet on them or do all 313s have the bulge no matter what? To sum things up then 296s have LED rear lights, NO orange strip in the headlights and the hazzard button is moved to under the heater controlls. Also 313s have the bulge in the bonnet and all of the above things mentiond? Also say I opt to go for a 296 version can you add the 313s bonnet to an earlyer ZED by any chance?
  7. ...Hmm I did post a reply but dosnt seen to be showin.....? I will try again then lol
  8. Thankyou for the advice and help, I've been on a few forums in my time and know how annoying it can be when people dont sue the search function so thats always by first place to start when looking for info. Well to kick things off I've been looking at ZEDs for a sometime now and have now decided to go for one after much looking around at different cars and feel a ZED is for me. Just trying to get my head around what year of car has what ATM. In the market for a 296 or 313 ZED (do like the bonnet bulge though). So the long and short of it is, That 296s are from 2006 onwards, have LED rear lights, hazzard button moved and NO orrange strip down the headlights. Also seen some adds saying 313 but the car has the flat bonnet? Do all 313s have the bulge or on some very early changovers had the flat bonnet on them? Also can the bulge bonnet be added to an early ZED please?
  9. Sorry to dig up a new post but just a nooby looking for some answers? So all 313 spec cars have the bonnet bulge and 276 and 296's will have the flat bonnets? Also how do you tell the difference between the early 276 and 296s please? Also isnt there LED lights on later ones or only fitted to the 313s?
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