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About Htecelite

  • Birthday 17/06/1984

Htecelite's Achievements

Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Hi everyone ive spoke to a few of you before and i just want to let everyone know that i do work with alot of car forums and i just want to say that us at htecelite performance are looking to sponsor a car it dont matter what class it is its a competition based project to let everyone know who we are the competition is being held on our facebook page were we ask people to post a picture of there car and ask freinds and other members to comment on there photo the winner will be picked by daniel and mark at htecelite . the winner will receive modifications for his/her car at Cost and some more freebies . here is the link if any of you are intrested http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Htec-Elite-Performance/183253621306?ref=ts
  2. Thankyou for the welcome guys no i dont own a Z and anf my company does baseically everything you would need from wheels.engine management Performance parts, cleaning products , suspension , air fitlers, and a range of other things ,
  3. Hi there My names mark i work for a Car Performance company thought i would sign up and say hello to everyone
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