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Everything posted by SteveRS

  1. I see what your saying, and i totally agree if someone hasn't appreciated the car for what they are then its best left alone. Im too aware of how much they are to maintain as i found out when i had my first zed a year ago. Getting one for the summer may be doubtful evan though there are so many for the sale i have not yet seen the right one.
  2. looking at the response i best leave this one alone then.
  3. Here's the link: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p It says the bodywork is in excellent condition but this is not true as he sent me pics of the paintwork damage before i went to view it. Also my plan if i was to buy would be to sell the 19" LMGT4 alloys which need a refurb, this could pull back some money. I have a mint condition set currently sitting in my garage ready to go on my chosen zed.
  4. I know what everyone is saying about being a money pit and thats definitely something i dont want it to be. It did test drive well, no suspicious noises or anything like that, having had an 06 zed last year i now no what to look out for. The service history is good and had the latest service the week i went to see it. The guy could be finding it hard to come to terms with the amount of money the car has lost over the years, making him reluctant to spend on it. (Dont worry though i wont be touching it whilst it has no MOT.) Surely if there are any problems they will be rectified to pass the MOT?
  5. It could be a good car once the paint work is sorted and if he was to get the it through the MOT, only done 40k miles mostly motorway. He's lucky i made an offer at all!
  6. Im only 26 and into more modern cars, but that is................. LOVELY!!
  7. Yeah this is what i cant understand, i think he still thinks the car is worth £12,750, but its really not, he has mentioned a few times how much he has dropped the price, but the car was never worth that from the beginning. There is no way im paying £11k for a car with no mot and then covering the cost myself, he will need to mot it come the end of the month anyway.
  8. About 5 weeks ago i drove from surrey to liverpool to have a look at a nismo chilli red 350z 06 facelift with a very good and up to date service history. Knowing that the car had some scratch damage i was prepared to take a look as this could be repaired and the seller said he would take into consideration the cost of this when negotiating a price with me. It basically needs the front end and rear bumper resprayed, the alloys need a refurb too, road tax is due at the end of july and the Mot is due at the end of june, it also had one very bald rear tyre and the other on its way. He was selling the zed for £12,750 so i took into consideration the work that needed doing to put everything right and offered him £10,500 which he turned down. So i told him to get back to me if he had no luck selling it. The weeks have passed and the MOT renewal fast approaching he got back to me last week and said he would take £11,000. So i made a polite request that if he would be willing to MOT the zed i would be happy to pay £11k. He emailed me back saying he is not prepared to spend anymore on the car and wants to sell as it is. He hasn't even sorted the bald tyre after all this time!!! I emailed him back saying im happy to pay £11k but the car has to be road worthy................i've heard nothing back. Am i being unreasonable asking him to pay for an MOT and any necessary changes to pass the MOT?? Sorry for the long winded story, im just looking for opinions.
  9. £460.......Absolutely insane considering it's the same car!!!!
  10. How much exactly does it cost to tax a post 06 for a year these days? Ideally I'm looking to buy a facelift post 06 model as I prefer the interior, the cost of road tax could sway my decision though!
  11. OMG!! That is a steal!! Obviously more info is needed on the conversion but that appears to be great value. Anyone know who's it is or anything about it? No idea, but it looks like its only just been put on pistonheads today. Might be of interest to marcopolo
  12. Buy this http://pistonheads.com/sales/2806159.htm
  13. I'm in exactly the same position. I sold my Zed this time last year and have missed it ever since. I bought a mini cooper s jcw to try and get over it but it just wasn't the same, so I sold it after owning it for just 5 months. I'm now currently looking for another zed and have been since selling the mini, it won't be long now, I have an immaculate set of LMGT4's 19" just itching to be put on a zed. DO IT get another one.
  14. If your looking for a White one and don't mind it being an import, I found this one on pistonheads that may be of interest to you, looks lovely in White http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/2595677.htm Hope the link works
  15. Thanks for the quick replies guys. Good to know that there isn't a great deal of difference. I've seen both facelift and pre facelift zeds that I like(has to have nismo kit) the only issue I have with the pre facelift is the headlights rear lights and the interior. I much prefer the interior of the facelift. I'm really fussy and something like that can sometimes stop me buying a car. Obviously I can change the headlights and rear lights, but that comes at a price. Pre facelift is more appealing for road tax reasons but is cancelled out by the changes I would make to the look of the car.
  16. Is there a noticeable difference in power between the pre facelift zed and a facelift? Having previously owned a facelift zed, I'm now looking for another 350z, was wondering if I went for a pre facelift whether it would seem slower than the facelift.
  17. No its not mine, its on a zed im interested in buying if the guy is still selling it. The exhaust is a bit ugly though (sorry if your a member) Just wondered if had any resale value as i would probably change it. Probably not a great deal but the good news is I could help you with a replacement I'll keep that in mind Tarmac
  18. No its not mine, its on a zed im interested in buying if the guy is still selling it. The exhaust is a bit ugly though (sorry if your a member) Just wondered if had any resale value as i would probably change it.
  19. Wish i could, but the photo is from the album of a guy selling this zed. Its the only shot of the exhaust in the album.
  20. Thanks mate, thats much better.
  21. Just wondering if anyone knows what exhaust this is? It might be the angle of the photo but the tips look huge. https://picasaweb.google.com/Bob.Dobs/3 ... 0595355250
  22. Saw this one advertised. I think i remember the front bumper being cracked and held together with a cable tie sprayed blue. Thats probably why its cheap, its been up for sale for ages.
  23. That price sounds expensive, might be worth shopping around. I supplied the parts and got my clutch and fly fitted for £250 by Eurospec, a jap car specialist near me.
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