Some great advice here guys My main problem is finding something especially something Im interested in. Ideally I'd like to work from home or a small premises to start with. Where do you start with get products to sell? Are there wholesalers things like that?
I'm already self employed as a Decorator, I've been doing it professionally now for about 8 years or so, I've won awards in the past also. So I'm already familiar with filling out tax returns. I've been sub contracting to the same builder for the duration and I don't get any of the benefits from running my own business, such as profit etc. I get a day rate and that's it, this also hasn't changed for the past 4 years! I'm bored of the job and at a dead end, there isn't money to be made doing it as I have found out. Its always been my dream to have my own business and I love a challenge and like to keep busy. It's just finding what type of business to go into.